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  1. You can buy the system here: https://www.devfuse.com/products/53-donations/
  2. Netflix..but they must nearly comes with new movies :)
  3. Hello everybody, my forum is still the 3.4.9.. How can i make a new template for my forum? Is there a program to? Greetings Discovery-G
  4. Thank you for all the answers. It works on 5.6 and 7.x I can't see any different between these two
  5. Thanks for the support.. I will instal it on php 7.1
  6. Hello everybody, i have a question. My forum ( IPB 3.4.9 ) still turns on PHP-5.5 I want to move over to IPS 4.3.6. Is it possible to install this on PHP-5.5 or must i go to PHP-7.1?
  7. Hello, i have many skins but i want a skin that is unique. Does somebody how to make a skin or a site with unique skins they make?
  8. Hello, thanks for your message. But we have fix it.. Grt. Gerard
  9. Hello, i have a question about the fonts of the Shoutbox. I want another size of the letters in my Shoutbox en maybe bold. The board is a IPB 3.4.9 Hope somebody can help me. Greetings Gerard
    Thanks for this beautifull skin..
  10. Maybe the whole folder Arcade on 0777? I think thats better..you can't forgot nothing..
  11. Hello, 3 weeks ago i was here on this forum. And now i am a inactive member.. Is that not very quick? Maybe the hack setting are not good or is this the meaning that members after 3 weeks inactive?. Greetings Gerard
  12. Hi everyone, my name is Gerard and i am 49 years old ( young) I run also a vew ipb-boards and another hobby is building websites. I work in a store and selling furniture.. If you want to know more than send me a message.. ( sorry about my Englisch but i am Dutch.. ) Greetings Gerard
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