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Everything posted by poon

  1. I just started using IPS again on my new forum. I also noticed that my old account is more than likely gone since it was created when Webflake was first made. Username was "God" and I'm pretty sure I donated, but can't find it in the members list anywhere lol. Unsure what happened to it, but oh well. Glad to be back
  2. IPB is for sure a very safe board. Max security imo
  3. http://bmsgoathouse.com/index.php?/topic/1-rules-guidelines/#entry1 The postbit looks gone http://puu.sh/9XFxj/2bc14934a6.png Using theme "Haze" Nevermind. This is normal :$
  4. For some reason my who's online isn't showing in my footer. i had to find a code to put it in a sidebar. Could someone tell me how I can readd it?
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