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Everything posted by Afresh

    Was helpfull with 4.1. I'm waiting for the latest versions compatible with 4.3, for now the tutorials are broken...
    Thanks for it ! Why give 3 differents files ?
  1. That's great ! =) I'll wait for a Debian version though ^^
  2. I'm using i-MSCP and by default, it needs a FQDN as the URL to get to the panel. I first set panel.mysite.net, and then I edit the settings to make it works on mypanel.com. But it doesn't allow me to edit records for mypanel.com nor panel.mysite.net. That's why I ask this question.
  3. You can also test your password on https://howsecureismypassword.net/
  4. I prefer the non-flare version. The flare makes it look like it was created back in the 1990's :D
  5. Is it better than VHCS / IspCP / I-MSCP ? I'm using the last one, and according to your screens, the DNS Management is fully operationnal and with every type of DNS record. Do you use it in a prod environment ? Also, can you manage DNS of the domain used for the CP ? (For example, I use mypanel.com and my mainsite is mysite.net. Can I manage DNS for mypanel.com ?)
  6. Also, don't forget to change in Fail2Ban and in your firewall. It may be obvious, but it happened to me too many times :D
  7. Great hook !   But we should be able to choose if we show the stats at the top or at the bottom of the board.
  8. Hello there ! I'm Afresh and it's good to see a big community like this one ! =D
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