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  1. Love Lucifer just sat down now to watch season 4
  2. I have to admit I really do feel let down by the show this season, the writing has been atrocious, the big battle was done in the dark and the plot seems to change by the episode.
  3. I think the bitter sweet ending will be that Jon and Danny's baby takes the place of the baby he was denied, that baby then goes on to be the next Knight King. It is said that Craster is the son of a ranger of the Night's Watch so maybe they need a son of a NW Ranger? Jon was a member of the Nights Watch etc..... It would explain why all of a sudden the white walkers started forming to march south, basically following the baby they were denied. Craster could have been fulfilling a purpose and a deal made to keep the KK at bay the first time, once Samuel broke that deal by taking the baby and no more babies were there to replace it then he was forced to follow to maintain his species survival?
  4. I am hoping they have put a bit of effort into telling the story rather than just going all out of the SFX.
  5. Well not long now until it all comes to an end. Is anyone else having a rewatch of the whole series from the start like me? My predictions are, the whole reason the knight king headed south is because he was denied the baby. I think it will be something along the lines of, he can't reproduce naturally so they came up with a compromise to keep him at bay by offering up a baby every now and then to add to their ranks of whites. Samuel saved the baby and headed south so the KK is on his way to get what is his back.
  6. When is Lucifer back on? I know it got renewed/obtained but I have seen little else since.
  7. Most forum software is struggling nowadays as its much easier and less hassle to set up a facebook group :(, they still have their uses though. vBulletin in my opinion is too much bloat and runs really slow on my servers, I have fairly decent spec servers too.
  8. I have been using a cracked version of Blue Iris 3 for awhile but waiting for a cracked update is getting to be a pain so I am looking to switch to a different software. I have used iSpy in the past but I have found it buggy with certain cameras I have and the FPS on some of the cams never goes over 15 when I know they are more than capable of higher and are set to in the software. I am a fan of BI as it works great but before I take the plunge and buy a licence I thought I would ask if there were any decent alternatives that don't look like they were built for windows ME.
  9. I have never bought one but I have been given plenty of free *Trials of Norton and McAfee, neither of which I would touch with a barge pole. I also use Nod32 at the moment, had no major issues with it, I know plenty who just don't bother and use Windows Defender.
  10. Just thought I would say hello and thanks for letting me be part of this place.
  11. I can not see any reason why it would not be nulled at some point.
  12. Thought I would pop in here and say hello
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