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  1. Hi all, One my website i place downloads with a link, so '' url Linked Downloads'' But the system doesnt count those downloads. Once i did found a piece of script what i needed to add and then it did counts the url linked downloads. But i cant find it anywhere now.. Can someone please help me. Kind Regards, Richard
  2. Hi all, Topic can be closed! i found the script in the css
  3. Hi all, Ik got this skin installed on my website, http://designscore.blogspot.nl/2013/09/skin-maxx-light-on-ip-board.html This comes with a nice slider, but the slider images are moving/zoom in. is it possible to stop this? Second message -- This site has maxx dark with a slider where the pictures dont move, http://www.dsrl.nl/
  4. Hi al, I got the Sylo Skin and i put a photo on the background. But the photo keeps repeating vertical. How can i stop this? i just want the photo without repeating. here you can check, Website On the bottom you can choose the skin, Sylo/grey. Hope some one can help me. Kind Regards, Richie
  5. Hi all, I got a qeustion aout IPBSlider, I am using this slider on my website, but i only can set one size. Is it possible to adjust the slider automaticly to the size of a computer/mobile? The size of the slider is now 1620x250 but its stays that way when you have a computer 1980x1080 so then the website adjust its self bu slider doesnt. I hope someone will understand it haha. Kind Regards, Richard
  6. Today it worked fine.. and i dindt changed a thing haha. So i have downloaded 6 items without a problem.
  7. Hi all, I got a question i still cant download it is keep telling me "You may not download any more files until your other downloads are complete" I did read this topic; and serveral other topics. But how long does it take the server to reset before i can download? i want i have tried it multiple times now but still not working. Sorry for my bad english. Cheers, RIchard
  8. Hi all, My Name is, Richard. I am from the netherlands and i am 22 years old. I foundt this website by google and i hope that i can learn more about ip board. I use ip board for our gaming community for the game Farming Simulator. Cheers, Richard
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