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  1. ​I agree to this rule I didnt have a Forum in the longest time so i had forgotten to come back here, i will be more active, and will come back every day
  2. I will vote for this too, the U.S and other governments should have no right to censor the internet!
  3. This is interesting O.o Wat is CryptoPHP?
  4. Whenever i attempt to download something, this happens: I have yet to reach a cap, as i havent downloaded any files in the last couple ofdays. I searched the forum, and couldn't find anyone with the problem im facing Thx
  5. RickHak

    Question Cant Download :(

    Im trying to download this AWESOME theme (Royal Blue) So... What happened?: I was looking for a good theme, and went to most popular and highest rated I found Royal Blue, a pretty good theme. i went to download it, and my internet got cut I got my internet back in like 5 mins, and it refused to redownload. So i went to the downloads page where Royal Blue is i went to download it, an waited 20 seconds, but it says error, wait for other download to finish Im not sure what to do, cause like i said earlier, it refuses to redownload
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