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Heroes Killer

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Heroes Killer last won the day on November 22 2014

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  1. It sounds like a solution! I'll try it as soon as I come home. Custom font size inside ACP's Test BBCode Parsing works. // edit: 19:27 (UTC +1). Yes! It seems this is working. Thank you very much! I've just edited it a little (because of big numbers - || instead of &&).
  2. Huh, thank you for detailed answer. It was not neccessary. I'm not really confused, I just wanted to be sure if I hadn't made any mistake in syntax etc... I hadn't. Code is exactly same as yours, but it doesn't work for me.
  3. Thanks, it's very good perception! I'll try. // Hmm, I tried it and it doesn't work. Could you send me a screen of your default.php (or code)? Maybe I've made some mistake.
  4. Thank you anyway... I'll look at it tommorow (there is very late here). Sry, but I absolutely don't understand you.
  5. Unfortunatelly, changing defaults.php does not work... Switching between Standart and Rich text editor solves that underlined text, but not font-sizes.
  6. I understand that, I just wanted to edit font-sizes (to be compatible). 1 => 8 ... It's substitution? For example, could I write 150 => 16, so that size 150(% in pphBB) would be size 16 here? By the way, BBCode for underlined text seems to be the same both for phpBB and IPB. However, it's not working properly (see Spoiler 1).
  7. Thank you, but it's not exactly what I mean. I am not converting. I'll try to explain it via images. Posts are not fully compatible. Text in post editor, same for phpBB and IPB (copied). How does it look in phpBB. How does it look in IPB. So... I tried to copy that to BBCode mode (= ). Here it seems fine, except font-sizes. For example...
  8. Greetings. Is there some way to change font-size settings to percentages? If I set bbcode-mode in post-editor, then THIS is 50. But I'd like to have it like this: = 150% of normal font-size. Thanks in advance. // By the way - the reason is compatibility with phpBB posts.
  9. Hi. Use combination of Hide Content and Ajax Thanks.
  10. Greetings. Could somebody tell me, how to fix this problem? I think the problem has appeared after I'd installed some skin. However, I can't find appropriate template. Thanks in advance. // Well, it seems that this is problem with my browser. I've just checked it with Firefox and it's ok there. Deleting cache & cookies doesn't help, any ideas?
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