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  1. add the RewriteRule to your .htcaccess
  2. you could try a database dump then move the upload folder to the new side. you will want to go and chage the user id to some thats on the new site
  3. Arma 3 has made me a shit load of money over the years from coding RP servers. GTA is crap for kids
  4. This is odd. I am running the same theme and versoin 4.4.3 and it shows up for me. Did you install it right?
  5. was an amd boy all my life then got an intel and yah lolz just got my second intel
  6. HI, i am wanting to remove the top breadcrumbs from only some places on my forums. i know i can hide it with css but that is not what im after. any help many thanks Goatboy
  7. the way discord is coming it might become the new internet lol.
  8. antivirus are just a cash grab. no need for them at all. When people are like my pc is runing like crap my antivirus says i have a virus what should i do. DELETe your antivirus
  9. goatboy

    How's life?

    On the hill eating grass life is pimp
  10. Ok i have it sorted dont know what it was but the hoster sorted it. Thanks for all the help.
  11. LOL i think its time to move it to a vps. So i have all the upload sizes set to 256mb but stall anything over 20mb will not upload lol here is the PHP setting for the site.
  12. sweet thanks for that will hit the hoster up to change that
  13. I have hit up the hoster and they said everything is set for 128M I have looked at all the settings in ISP and have everything set to unlimited. if someone is willing I can give login for ISP to take a look I may be missing sumthing
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