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  1. Exactly, who cares. From my perspective, they've done a phenomenal job. It looks amazing, feels amazing and is amazing! I cannot wait for it's Official release. It looks so elegant, smooth and powerful. It's clearly going to be a must have for any community.
  2. You guys are forgetting something... it's a beta. They're fully aware that things aren't spot on, hence the fact they're accepting people to help locate and resolve the errors at hand. I know certain parts of the site are ugly, they aren't equally aligned, however they're doing their best. Bear in mind that IPS 4.0 hasn't even been released, it's a work in progress. Give the devs your feedback and wait it out. Don't hate on it, give it a chance. Custom themes could enhance the users profile, who cares anyway. Think about it, how often to you seriously look at someones profile for a long period of time? At most you look at it for a short 30 seconds or a minute. So really, who cares?
  3. Since you can't PM me, what's your Skype?

    1. TinyPic


      TMZ.GTR - Thanks buddy.

  4. I'm sure I have a use for this, I needed it for something a while back but I can't remember :L
  5. I shall try this out, it sounds just like what I'm in need of.
  6. Just what I was looking for. Thank you Sir, this will come in handy indeed!
  7. Thank you Phun :3 I shall be using these on a new theme of mine
  8. TinyPic

    Feedback ;-) Smile

    Haha I was going to say, doesn't IP.Board come with the emotions? XD
  9. Congratulations peeps! You both deserve it more than anyone here. Keep up the great work and continue to please the Community. <3
  10. I shall be using this on my community. Thanks for such a great tutorial buddy! Keep it up <3
  11. It's looking great. It's got a lot of potential, I'd focus mainly on something users really feel for which at this moment is the users profile. Make it smexy Good luck with the rest of it buddy, I can't wait
  12. I think IPS have done a cracking job. I'm awaiting the release of IP.Board 4.0, I feel it'll make the best addition to my community. The enhancements and opportunities behind the new and improved software could only get better. For example; look at IP.Board 3.4.6 - It's superior amongst other Forum software. It's so powerful and feature rich it's un real.
  13. Welcome to WebFlake.sx buddy... If you need anything just give me a shout, I'm more than happy to help you out. I have a wide knowledge of experience when it comes to IP.Board. Best of wishes, TinyPic.
  14. Welcome ladies and gentleman, I'm TinyPic. I'm a 34 year old banker, I've got a passion for web design, forum management, gaming and women. Of course - I'm currently looking for someone who can rip IP.Board skins, if you can shoot me a PM? I've been a member of Webflake.sx for a while now but just leeching... Which I decided I should stop.
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