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  1. Droghist

    MyBB or IPB?

    I would recommend going for IPB... it is pretty damn old(mature) and good!
  2. Thanks a lot, that helped! Just in case anyone else reads this and wants to do the same as me, do remember to rebuild the caches of everything! Skins included.
  3. Yeah, I think that I should have mentioned that... I already have mod_rewrite enabled. IP.Content is in the root folder, the forum is in /forum folder. That's why it's bugging me... This is the URL that I have when I'm viewing my second forum from my first category, named "Important": website.com/forum/forum/2-important/ This is the URL that I'm hoping to achieve: website.com/forum/2-important/
  4. No, that was related to IP.Content. This one is related to the forums.
  5. Thanks a lot, that helped! I changed that FURL marker to „x”. Not sure if it's the best idea, but still better than _, I think... Okay, I am now facing another „issue”... My forum URLs are like this: website.com/forum/forum/2-important/ I would like to change them to website.com/forum/2-important/ How would I achieve this?
  6. Yeah, that didn't help me very much... Is there any way to make the URLs look anything close to decent?
  7. Hello, I've just set up my entire website build with IPB and IP.Content. The only thing that is bugging me is that the IP.Content URLs contain /_/ in them... How can I remove that part? It is currently showing up as www.website.com/_/news/article Please help!
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