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pctsystem last won the day on July 7 2014

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About pctsystem

  • Birthday September 30

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  1. it's By Default men. what's language you are using ?
  2. naaah be specific mate. or screenshot of what you wanted
  3. Ok can you link me your site ? le me see if i can help ya.
  4. naaah i forgot to mention to enable it if it's disabled. rofl
  5. Check the hook if its Disabled
  6. hi mate could you share the flat icon you are using in your win8.

    1. Phun


      Search for Peequi :)

    2. pctsystem


      Thank you mate :)

  7. can you post your site link ? so it would be more easier to help you.
  8. hi mate can you pass me the icon pack you are using ? i love the flat icons ♥
  9. it's a hook mate. http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/5383-pre-defined-topic-fields/ or you can try "Lock Down" Suggestion
  10. cPanel has to most fastest backup tool. a few click and you have your backup on your root folder.
  11. no there is no way to do that. Many people asking IPS about that matter. but IPS answered: let's make it easy. Name the Category that Explain everything in the first read. Or else you can ask some Hook Dev to Develop this hook for you
  12. Greetings admin & Staff apologize for this Crap! but it seems we have a member that are proud to be a leecher. (IPB Hook/Skin Repacker ) his name is #Silence. (the man who are banned on every community because he is repacker/leecher). i am so disappointed that we have leechers here so please guys banned that member. the first day i upload my file in here. (ONLY HERE). minute ago i have my first Downloader. and i ignore and few more second i saw my file uploaded in the other forum Demmit! i am 100% sure. maybe you guys check on who downloaded the item at the first time and banned him. Proof: Thank you hope you guys can fix this CASE
  13. 98 downloads

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