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About jacksnake4

  • Birthday 02/27/1996

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  1. So basically the userpane inside of my announcements is showning up as if there where no changes made to it. If anyone else has had this problem or knows how to fix it that would be very helpful Alright this can be closed I have fixed it. For anyone else that has this problem just look over your UserPaneInfo coding and make sure that you don't have anything repeated but if you do it will pull the default UserPane out without any customizations.
  2. Link to image I would just link the image but the text is white and wouldn't show up but what I am looking for is the font for the "Sports" part of the logo. Thank you in advance
  3. Can you share the name of your website?
  4. It is probably fine now, after a certain amount of time without posting your account goes inactive, all you have to do is make a post and you can continue using the site
  5. Username: Jacksnake4 First Name: Noah Age: 17 Rate your English out of 10: 9 Additional languages spoken: Spanish Software specialization: IPB IPB skills: 8.5 XenForo skills: 4 vBulletin skills: 4 WordPress skills: 5 HTML / CSS skills: 9 Other qualifications: What can you bring to the team? I can be active, and help other solve there problems
  6. Thank you, I checked the setting and it said that they where allowed because I had never changed it so I just disabled it and re enabled it and everything is working again! Weird bug
  7. This is what it looks like when you are logged into the site. This is what it looks like when you are a guest. How do I make the last_post show up for guests. On all my skins the lastpostinfo is missing randomly, only stats is showing
  8. thank you but I already have those codes, I was asking for the css code to make them display the way they do
  9. How could I arrange my regular fields and custom field like you have it here
  10. If this problem still isn't solved you can add me on skype and I could give you a hand. I PM'd you the name
  11. How would I go about making a guest message like the one on "xclusivegamerz" . I would like to add on to my board but don't want to pay for the devfuse application (running a legit board and don't want to use a nulled version though)
  12. So basically I would like to change the to a simple "Sticky:" I just don't know where to find the text to change, looked through everything in forum view
  13. How would I go about changing the names of these? " " I would like to change it to Threads and Discussions. I would also like to switch it around so it would be "Threads: 0". I really haven't had the time to look into this so sorry if this is an obvious question.
  14. I like that the header is split into 3 different backgrounds/colors. I think that you should find a different image to set as your background though because the controller one looks exactly like the one S7 has.
  15. I was going to send you a message but I didn't meet the post limit to send you one so I thought I'd just post on your wall and you can delete it afterwards. I would just like to know how long it takes before my group is changed from member to donator, I donated $10 to the site about an hour ago and am just waiting now, really just want the gridlock skin :)

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