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LVAzelf last won the day on June 16 2014

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About LVAzelf

  • Birthday August 8

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  1. Well, whether or not you choose to believe what I've said is ultimately up to you, I've just given my reasoning as to why I will not ever be using them again - they've been nothing but awful for me and again, my parents - we are all web designers and many we know have had similar experiences. I'm glad you've had such a positive experience though. It's nice to hear at least some people get treated decently there. I am not at all suggesting "a lowly, third-party offshore host" would be better. I don't use one of these "lowly, third-party offshore host" for my website - I've stuck with pretty much anything beside GoDaddy and had much better experiences. A2Hosting, while not stellar, was better. Knownhost was better. HostGator was better. WiredTree was better. I appreciate the time you've taken to reply, but I don't think there's a need to get defensive over them. I and others have had bad experiences regardless of whether or not people believe us. Again, I am very happy that you have had such an amazing experience with them, but this has not been the case for many (not all) others. Yeah. Closer to $55-$60. :x I'm thinking of going unmanaged at some point but I just don't have the time to learn what's required right now.
  2. It's actually not. I do web design for a living and gave them a second chance - instantly regretted it. In addition to that, both of my parents, who are also web designers, have very recently (in the past month) had many issues with GoDaddy (slow loading, bad customer support, constant site hacking, downtime, etc.) and left them altogether. As soon as they switched, they didn't have these issues anymore. I really do appreciate the suggestion; however, GoDaddy has been nothing but trouble for me and many others.
  3. Higher than that, actually. Nearly every host we've been on has told us we need to be on a VPS because shared won't accommodate us anymore. It's a bit tricky trying to figure out what's true and what isn't. We've been with GoDaddy before but they kept trying to force us into upgrading every time we'd need support, and there would be wait times with an upwards of 40 minutes. Thanks for your time!
  4. We're paying too much, I feel, to keep our site online. I won't disclose how much exactly but it's a decent chunk over $500 for a year. Our host is fantastic and everything, but for a site that seeks no profit and is run solely off donations... It's a bit much. We have ~5,000 members, and ~40 people on at any given time, with around 100 users on daily. We're a pretty big forum but something seems off about how much we're paying. Every site I look for seems to be similar in price. Our site is currently 30GB of data right now. Are we getting a fair deal? If not, do you have any suggestions as to what to do to lessen our costs? Forgot to mention - we're on a managed VPS.
  5. It's too late, sorry, guys!
  6. I ended up going with WiredTree - really great!
  7. We definitely don't have the money for a managed server, but how much maintenance does using a VPS take?
  8. Does DigitalOcean provide setup suppor? We have no idea how a VPS works.
  9. Hey! Our current host isn't working out so well anymore, so we'd like to move to a different host, preferably one with a good VPS. We were using a shared hosting package but it's not accommodating our traffic anymore. We have a licensed IPB forum so offshore doesn't matter. We're just looking for the most affordable (non-profit website, donation run only) and effective solution. Any recommendations would be appreciated. We are currently on A2hosting but their support is inadequate and they don't bother to fix the problem. Thanks for your time!
  10. Hey. I'm looking to add the shoutbox application to our mobile theme so that my users can access it whilst using their mobile. If anyone knows how I can implement this, we would appreciate the help greatly! Thanks.
  11. Hey! I followed the guide in this topic: and got it to work, but I was wondering if there was a way to display only 5 or so recent statuses as opposed to a whole wall of updates. Thanks for you rtime!
  12. Thanks! You're great, this worked nicely.
  13. I don't know how long this has been going down, but after liking a post, you're unable to unlike it. I'm running 3.4, and this applies on all skins. Any replies would be much appreciated.
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