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  1. Hey man, welcome to the forum!
  2. Fame


    Hello everyone I Fame!
  3. i was wondering if anybody knows how i can fix this:
  4. 1st of Thank you for answering my previous question. But I was wondering how did webflake get Reputation? like the one on the userinfoPane & where are themes CSS i did see the Tab css , In the look & feel section but for example i want to edit profiles, i can't find the file for profiles in the css section ect....
  5. I need 15 posts to PM, Have you got skype? reason being I don't to spam to be able to Pm you.
  6. this is going to sound stupid, but i can't seem to find the above code anywhere within "ACP > Looks and Feel > Skin Name > TopicView > topicViewTemplate" I am really new to IPB so i probably don't know exactly what I'm looking for.
  7. Thanks for the Help, appreciate it
  8. Thank you that did the Trick although how would i delete this: also is it possible to get the on/offline circle next to the name above the avatar?
  9. I was wondering how do i edit this: what i'm looking to add this: here: Just above the image in the userinfoPane? can anyone help me? Thank you.
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