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Everything posted by sopremo

  1. Just Watch Me!

  2. Version 1.4.3


    Allows the Administrator to create, edit and manage custom newsletters and their content. Forms of content such as Latest Topics or Latest Blog Entries can automatically be distributed without the Administrator having to do more than set-up the newsletter and let it run. [b]Features[/b][list] [*]Administrator can create custom titles and content for newsletters to be distributed [*]Administrator can set automatic intervals for newsletter distribution (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Anually), or a manual customized distribution date. [*]Allows Administrator to set which groups of people will receive newsletter (Members, Administrators, Guests etc.) [*]Allows Administrator to create multiple pending issues of newsletter [*]Administrator has ability to view all back issues of newsletter [*]Allows for multiple content types based on the IPS components installed in the current environment [*]Newsletters can be distributed in plain-text or HTML format [*]Members can subscribe/unscribe to any available newsletters at any time [*]Members can decide which format (plain-text or HTML) they would like to receive [*]Administrators can customize the HTML layout and CSS for each Newsletter [/list][b]Supported Content Types[/b][list] [*]Birthdays [*]Events [*]Featured Blog Entries [*]Featured Downloads [*]Hot Album Images [*]Hot Blog Entries [*]Hot Database Records [*]Hot Downloads [*]Hot Topics [*]Latest Album Images [*]Latest Blog Entries [*]Latest Database Records [*]Latest Downloads [*]Latest Topics [/list]Note: This version supports IPB's built-in HTML email wrapper.
  3. I know that members can choose the hide email address option from their control panel but as an admin how can i hide my email address!?
  4. You have to do the permissions like it said to you! Go to Members Groups and assign "Allow" Permission to groups you want them to use the shoutbox! Better to follw what is written in the shoutbox!
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