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Everything posted by D3ATH

  1. I've done that and I've ran across that message feel free to look Site
  2. IP.Board 3.4.6 is my board version this is the cometchat version IP.Board CometChat [Platinum 4.6.0] 4.6.0 Platinum
  3. Every time I try to install cometchat I get this: and I uploaded it to the forum's main folder and went to my site domain.com/cometchat/install.php like that and all I get is that message. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but it's annoying. I had it installed on the server I'm using before and had no problems.
  4. I was wondering if anyone knew where to get some good weather widgets?
  5. Sup all I go by the name of D3@TH I am a designer and I like making guides for people I also have my own website. So I'm glad to be a member of this board.
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