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  1. hello i need help at my email send at my forum, i bought a reverse proxy (not cloudflare) to protect my forum, but the ddos kids get every time my backend ip over the email headers, so now my question is how can i send emails (smtp/sendmail) but remove the ip? i tried to use google, etc, but every time the ip is in the header thanks, its a great forum!
  2. every time i try to upload a file as an attachment it says "error 413 upload skipped", wheres the fail?
  3. how can i make that each buy of my product get an other serial key? thanks
  4. could you send me the dl link for ip nexus for ip board 3.4.6 ? thanks
  5. how can i make throught ipboard a shop ? i got a site with uses ip board if you need the link pn me thanks
  6. now its http://puu.sh/8UeYn/5b9e05bad8.png
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