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  1. hi, thank you very much I'm trying to find it but can't.... please help . thank you.
  2. lolly

    Trader Feedback System

    anyone got the updated one please?
  3. Hi, In my personal opinion Phun and Davlin (the admins) have done a beautiful and a amazing job with the site, there's a couple of guys out there that run forums, but its quite rare these days. The admins really bring people together, socially on the forum and get the feeling of connection.... while there could be less limits on the forum and what not, but still its a great forum all thanks to phun and davlin. keep up the great work sirs !
  4. hello, thank you for the reply. +rep for reply, thank you. but there's no option. any idea please? thanks.
  5. Regarding Skin: Velvet for IPB 3.4 Question: The theme has 3 colors (red,blue,green). The default color is blue. How can I make the default color green?. So when someone new vists the forum green is the default color. Thank you very much.
  6. lolly

    Feedback great site

    yep keep it up BAHAHAH I laugh so much. I came to this thread also to because of the inactive message, but look at the users posting above with their registeration date + amount of posts and then their post ehhehehe
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