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About derron

  • Birthday 08/29/1996

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    Legacy IPB
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  1. No. but everyone that registered for my forums was having this problem, I think i solved this problem (Didn't test it). But someone has information on this it would be helpful to the guys above me.
  2. After registering, i get this mrssage Thank you refc. Your registration has been submitted. The community administrator has chosen to require validation for all email addresses. Within the next 10 minutes (usually instantly) you'll receive an email with instructions on the next step. Don't worry, it won't take long before you can post! but i recieve no email.
  3. Im not new here But have been inactive lately even though I signed up a year ago, and this might be my 4th or 5th post. But again Hi. Lmfao...It was my 16th post.nvm
  4. Is there a way you can make it show a small piece of the topic
  5. Okay deal *meant latest 3 topics in a thread not posts I messaged you the info
  6. If I give you full access to my site can you just set it all up for me?
  7. What do I replace this line with?
  8. Can you just write me the .php code and i can just implement it into my site myself
  9. That's the code from my site for where i want the posts to show up.
  10. Can someone on here give me a .Php code that takes the 3 most recent posts from a certain thread on my forums and shows them on the homepage of my website.
  11. Did fresh install and it works fine.
  12. can someone help me fix this? I know its caused because of my IP Board's portal application I just don't know what to do.
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