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  1. iPhone, was using an android for couple weeks there cause my phone got robbed, but back to an iPhone now and I can safely say I missed it lol
  2. That;s a tough one... But I have to say Nike.
  3. Tristan

    GTA 5?

    What you play on?
  4. Don't play either of them anymore, I was hooked on RDR2 when it came out, but have to say gta was played far more over the years for me :D
  5. Anyone? EDIT: I can just use the deafault IPB theme works fine. What would cause it not to work on the other theme though?
  6. Hey there I just upgraded my forum to 4.4.2 and was just changing a few things with the members and realized I can't scroll down all the way on some pages, I keep having to zoom out.. Anyone any ideas how to fix it? I am using the Villian theme for 4.4.2 https://prnt.sc/na6qad As you can see its only letting me go like half way down the page and it says I'm at the bottom on the scroller. There's no prefix for 4.4 so I just selected 4.3. Thanks, Tristan.
  7. Great thanks for this helped a lot!
  8. Really nice man, I like how you didn't just use the one logo for all stated. Good job?
  9. Its me, back again 4 years later... Just was busy with life and decided to try teach myself what I use to know lol.
  10. Pleasure to meet you dallas. Im just back myself used to use this site a few years back but just didnt have a pc in so long!
  11. Welcome to Webflake Izzy :)
  12. Hey everyone, my name is Tristan. I come from Ireland and I started using webflake a good while back. I'll would like to start using the forum more :D
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