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  1. Netflix and Cinema are Good Sometimes Netflix is better due cunts are cinema don't shut the fck up or laugh at stupid stuff.
  2. Avengers endgame was amazing..
  3. Spotify Don't like any of apple stuff.
  4. Welcome to Webflake bro
  5. Yea I tried to make a clean install & It gives me the 500error & Got the same Init error. Just waiting for webhost to answer my ticket. Edit: If anyone got a idea, what this can be. Please don't be scared to post =D
  6. Yea I only started getting 500 errors and init error yesterday, Be trying to find a fix for it all day & Its 2Am in morning right now I don't know what the problem can be. If it was the chatbox, will it not show any errors in IPS Cpanel because Admin cpanel don't show any errors, Ever the error file in webhost cpanel don't show any errors. Just Error.php file in forums dir shows the Init.php error.
  7. Last thing I installed was Upgrading from 4.2.6 to 4.3.6 but this was 1 week ago. Last plugin/application was (BIM43) Chatbox 3.1.1 like 5 Days ago.
  8. @mr-pimpenYea, It is a live site. I just replace name of the site with ??? in error message
  9. Hello, When I try to login or register a new account or sometimes load a thread. My forums will give me a Error Page: This page isn’t working ????.com is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500 I Can't find any errors in error log in forums cpanel or webhost cpanel error logs. But in the error.php file in forums dirc. It will give me this error. [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant REPORT_EXCEPTIONS already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/index.php on line 10 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant IN_IPB already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 145 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\CIC already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\CP_DIRECTORY already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\IN_DEV already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\DEV_USE_WHOOPS already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\DEV_USE_FURL_CACHE already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\DEV_USE_MENU_CACHE already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\DEV_HIDE_DEV_TOOLS already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\DEBUG_JS already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\DEV_DEBUG_JS already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\DEV_DEBUG_CSS already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\DEBUG_TEMPLATES already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\IPS_FOLDER_PERMISSION already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\FOLDER_PERMISSION_NO_WRITE already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\IPS_FILE_PERMISSION already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\FILE_PERMISSION_NO_WRITE already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\ROOT_PATH already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\NO_WRITES already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\DEBUG_LOG already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\LOG_FALLBACK_DIR already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\STORE_METHOD already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\STORE_CONFIG already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\CACHE_METHOD already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\CACHE_CONFIG already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\CACHE_PAGE_TIMEOUT already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\TEST_CACHING already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\EMAIL_DEBUG_PATH already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\BULK_MAILS_PER_CYCLE already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\JAVA_PATH already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\ERROR_PAGE already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\UPGRADING_PAGE already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\QUERY_LOG already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\CACHING_LOG already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\ENFORCE_ACCESS already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\THUMBNAIL_SIZE already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\PHOTO_THUMBNAIL_SIZE already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\COOKIE_DOMAIN already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\COOKIE_PREFIX already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\COOKIE_PATH already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\COOKIE_BYPASS_SSLONLY already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\CONNECT_NOSYNC_NAMES already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\BYPASS_CURL already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\FORCE_CURL already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\NEXUS_TEST_GATEWAYS already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\NEXUS_LKEY_API_DISABLE already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\NEXUS_LKEY_API_CHECK_IP already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\NEXUS_LKEY_API_ALLOW_IP_OVERRIDE already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\UPGRADE_MANUAL_THRESHOLD already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\CACHEBUST_KEY already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\TEXT_ENCRYPTION_KEY already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\CONNECT_MASTER_KEY already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\USE_DEVELOPMENT_BUILDS already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\DEV_WHOOPS_EDITOR already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\LONG_REQUEST_TIMEOUT already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\TEMP_DIRECTORY already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\TEST_DELTA_ZIP already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\TEST_DELTA_TEMPLATE_CHANGES already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\DELTA_FORCE_FTP already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\BYPASS_ACP_IP_CHECK already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\RECOVERY_MODE already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\DEV_FORCE_MFA already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\DISABLE_MFA already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\BOT_SEARCH_FLOOD_SECONDS already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\READ_WRITE_SEPARATION already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\USE_MYSQL_SEARCH_BASIC_MODE_THRESHOLD already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\UPGRADE_MD5_CHECK already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\BYPASS_UPGRADER_LOGIN already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\OAUTH_REQUIRES_HTTPS already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\REDIS_LOG already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\REDIS_ENABLED already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\REDIS_ENCRYPT already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\NOTIFICATIONS_PER_BATCH already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\SHOW_ACP_LINK already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\REPORT_EXCEPTIONS already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 160 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\DEFAULT_THEME_ID already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Notice: Constant ips\HTMLENTITIES already defined in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 164 [16-Nov-2018 00:51:36 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'IPS\Dispatcher' not found in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php:520 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler(Object(Error)) #1 {main} thrown in /home/????/public_html/forums/init.php on line 520
  10. I think Best games out right now are Fortnite, New black ops & World of warcraft
  11. linking a movie like a youtube video.
  12. Hello When any of my users or members on my forums try to post a video in a post and click submit reply, it comes up with a error 403 page, Does anyone know how to fix this stupid problem?
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