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  1. On another forum they have a "bot" that you PM something (like a steam key) to and it creates a post in a specific thread with a line of text (let's call it the 'output key') that users can then copy and PM back to the bot and it enters you into a randomised raffle draw. Whoever wins automatically receives a new PM from the bot with the steam key that was originally provided. The source for it can be found here: https://github.com/fcostantini/resetera-gifthelper I was wondering if it would be possible to create a programme where you paste in the 'output key' and it deciphers what the original steam key is, so I can get lots of free steam games without having to win the draw. I thought it would help if I had some output keys and the corresponding steam keys so I've waited a while until I won a few (well, six) of the raffles. (all of the steam keys I post have already been redeemed). The red text is the output key and the bold text is the steam key that generated the output. The Dweller -- GB-dd23c09b-4f57-485a-ad65-f235f1196ba3 » 6ADM0-72ZKL-DNGYB Passpartout: The Starving Artist -- GB-e3f3c294-8d33-468c-8032-0ff25a59eaa5 » 0C8A9-HILTM-KQPKA else heart.break() [Humble Bundle] -- GB-ec14d9b8-385f-4a9d-85c7-f48487e2b8f0 » https://www.humblebundle.com/gift?key=NtzMfWDZGtakkH2x Weird Park Trilogy -- GB-6d904d0f-770c-41bd-8e9a-98e6830a544f » YDHAQ-LX9RY-JGADW Canyon Capers -- GB-e8798f08-9af3-4c7a-b8a2-88471705016f » 2DX9P-9J880-DYZ0K Killing Floor -- GB-6fae5048-7f4c-495e-8642-a3e5dc77689a » WADWC-KVWQ8-NJKBG As a bit of motivation, here are 25 [as of right now] unclaimed output keys to decipher and add to your library: I look forward to seeing if this is possible.
  2. Cheers boss. I'll have a crack at this when I get some freetime. For the time being I've used @Setup's method here. To be honest I'm only creating it to get a verified Amazon Associates account so it doesn't need to be perfect, hence it being very much work in progress.
  3. Someone I know through social media has a Facebook page where he posts cheap shopping deals. He provides links using his Amazon Associate URL and earns money from click-through purchases. I've spoken to him and he said in order to be accepted onto the Amazon Affiliate scheme he had to also have an active website, not just a Facebook page. He has the most basic of websites where it's literally just a feed from his Facebook page. I'll post the URL in code tags to avoid him tracking the clicks back to this topic: http://www.gamer-deals.co.uk/ I want to set up something similar - identical, really. Although really I'd rather use Twitter. What's the simplest way to recreate a website like his? How has he implemented that feed? I already have a domain and hosting, so am all ready to go. If someone could help me out I'd really appreciate it. Upon inspection it looks like he's used https://github.com/pavelk2/social-feed/ to create the feed, but I don't understand the majority of that. I don't suppose anyone here could quickly set it up for me? It'll be from the Twitter account @rapdab Or if it has to be Facebook, that's slightly different: @rrapdab Thanks.
  4. I want to add Wordpress to be the landing page, so need to move the forum.
  5. My forum is currently in my domains root folder so if you go to mysite.com the forum shows. I want to move it to mysite.com/forum so I can add a main website to the domain, with the forum as an extra. Whats the easiest way to move the forum into a new folder without breaking the forum? i imagine if I just cut&paste everything into a newly created folder using my ftp software it might break some paths. Is there a way to do it within ipb admin cp? Need this doing asap really. oh I’m on thanks
  6. I make videos from footage of my brother and I playing PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS. The game is awesome, everyone should play it. Especially with a buddy in duo or squad mode. The first two videos I uploaded were just footage but for videos 03 to 06 I made an intro. (05 and 06 are still uploading, they will both be online tomorrow.) Please let me know what you think of the intro. I appreciate any comments. And if you can be bothered to watch the whole videos please give me some feedback on those too. Well, besides I know I need to turn my mic up, and we're both not very good.
  7. Upgrading GPU from GTX 580 to GTX 1060. I'm not made of money so can't afford a 1080 lol but I recently did a "will it run?" style check to see if I could play PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS but my graphics card was letting me down, since it hasn't been upgraded since it was built ten years ago. These are my specs: CPU: Intel Core i7-970 @ 3.20GHz Memory: Corsair Vengeance 12GB DDR3 1600MHz Graphics: PNY XLR8 Liquid Cooled GeForce GTX 580 Motherboard: ASRock X58 Extreme6 Power Supply: Corsair Professional Series Gold AX850 Display: ASUS VG236HE Cooling: Corsair H70 Hard Drive 1: 90GB Corsair F100 SSD Hard Drive 2: 3TB Western Digital HDD Hard Drive 3: 1TB Seagate (External) HDD Computer Case: Corsair 600T So I've bought a MSI GTX 1060 6GB GPU for a bargain (imo) price of £195, which is approximately $245. Will hopefully pick it up tomorrow and install it sometime this week. I've downloaded the latest 3DMark benchmarking tool so I can compare the performance between the two. To be honest I'm a bit concerned about switching it out because it has that radiator attached to the old card, but hopefully there's a way I can clip that off the card and leave it in my case so I can keep the airflow it provides as well as the two new fans on the new card. It could go disastrously wrong though so wish me luck with that! Can anyone offer any advice on this switch? Here's the GPU-Z screenshot: My benchmark score for 3DMark Fire Strike was 4288: And I think it's quite telling that I am unable to run the Time Spy, Fire Strike Ultra or Fire Strike Extreme benchmarks as my GPU doesn't have enough VRAM. I'll run Fire Strike when I've got the new graphics card, and will see which of those three will work. I presume FSE won't but the others should. Anyway: upgrade, yay!
  8. I think this mod has broken my editor. Now whenever I click to post a reply it automatically has <p></p> in the box, but when I post it disappears. But what I've also noticed is everything goes on one line. Like if I copy and paste this post into my forum, it ends up like this: and then when I click edit post it displays html, like this: even though I've disabled 'can post html' on all usergroups. This is my config file at the moment (edited the numbers): /* Copyright (c) 2003-2017, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license */ CKEDITOR.editorConfig=function(a){a.toolbarGroups=[{name:"document",groups:["mode","document","doctools"]},{name:"clipboard",groups:["clipboard","undo"]},{name:"editing",groups:["find","selection","spellchecker"]},{name:"forms"},{name:"basicstyles",groups:["basicstyles","cleanup"]},{name:"paragraph",groups:["list","indent","blocks","align","bidi"]},{name:"links"},{name:"insert"},{name:"styles"},{name:"colors"},{name:"tools"},{name:"others"},{name:"about"}];a.removeButtons="Cut,Copy,Paste,Undo,Redo,Anchor,Underline,Strike,Subscript,Superscript"; a.removeDialogTabs="link:advanced"}; CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) { config.extraPlugins = 'imgur'; config.imgurClientId = 'c0086760e096c85'; config.imgurClientSecret = 'b33c97a9fd8e4a98b59c18b00c45826a5d7f88c1'; }; Please can you help me fix my editor? Even if I can't have the imgur plugin working tbh, I just want it so it stops displaying html and recognises new lines. and here's to show when I click in the editor it already has the html for paragraph in the reply box: Would appreciate a fix.
  9. At 0.2: or 0.98 I recached everything too using support > something's not working.
  10. Changing all of those numbers doesn't seem to do anything. It's still mostly green. Might have to just get rid of the background fade altogether, which would be a shame.
  11. That gets rid of the fade altogether. Is there a way to just "lessen" it? Also messing around before creating this thread I seem to have broke the look of the theme on mobile, as the image background doesn't show at all - bg is just plain green.
  12. Hi I'm using Titan theme with background picker. However the background images go transparent too quickly. Look here: https://www.rapdab.com/ How can I make the image be more prominent at the top and not start fading/changing to the green color until after the "off-topic" category? I like the fade effect so don't just want a solid image background, but I'd prefer to be more of the image and less of the plain green background.
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