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  1. PC, is crackable with games and apps
  2. We all knew it would be lame look at how rushed the episodes were with all the screw ups.
  3. Happy Easter to ALL??️?️?️?️
  4. Use a Boilerplate template and edit it using tutorials from the web.
  5. Hetzner auctions? Netcup has vps with dedicated resources so its like a cheap dedi.
  6. IPS is an all in one solution but it is heavy on resources. Xenforo is my go to because of its ease of use
  7. +1 for ESET It will usually detect new viruses the fastest and the in memory scans are good.
  8. mybb is what i use and its pretty solid
  9. Malwarebytes will block known shady ip and disallow connection so it will help block outgoing connections if you get hacked. Eset is usually the Fastest to pick up on newer malware. AV like AVG or off brand are a gimmick and most malware skates past them with ease so save your money.
  10. bigdank

    xf 2

    Yep seems like a waste now we have to wait for new plugins to get published for this new version. Vbulletin did the same thing recently with vb5
  11. Android is easier to hack while IOS is not
  12. CentOS is also good if your needing to run a small box 128mb-512mb. Centminmod is quite good for setting up a clean system with a ton of options.
  13. Any AV can be beaten or bypassed so active monitoring and some common sense goes a long way. Malwarebytes will block most know bad actor IP space but it can also have false positives. Backups are a must in the days of Crypto Lockers
  14. Lets hope the weapons have been improved from their last installment, some cool features like towing objects and fortification. The demo graphics need to be sorted way to busy on screen.
  15. bigdank

    Voxility ?

    They also offer DDoS protection similar to OVH.
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