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Everything posted by IPBPRIVATE


    Pc vs Ps4

    I prefer ps4 only because i feel like theres less issues with hackers
  2. Version 1.4.0


    Will show group color in user link. [b]Compatibility[/b]:[list] [*]Version 1.4.0: IP.Board 3.4.X [*]Version 1.2.0: IP.Board 3.3.X [*]Version 1.1.3: IP.Board 3.2.X [/list] [b]UPGRADE FROM 1.3.X TO 1.4.0[/b]:[list] [*]Uninstall the hook (version 1.3.X) and install the hook version 1.4.0. [/list] [color=#000000][b]IMPORTANT NOTICE[/b]:[/color] [list] [*][color=#FF0000]if you upgrade from 3.3 to 3.4, [b]UNINSTALL THE VERSION FOR IP.BOARD 3.3 AND INSTALL THE VERSION FOR 3.4[/b][/color][color=#FF0000]![/color] [/list]
  3. Look & Feel Good > Select Skin > Board Index > boardIndexTemplate > <if test="$this->settings['hoverDescriptions']='no'"></if> Should be on the top of the page.
  4. Version 2.2.5


    Contact Form to enable users to contact your moderation team. [b]Features[/b]:[list] [*]Security:[list] [*]Use of Recaptcha [*]Ability to create/manage anti spam questions on ACP [/list] [*]Ability to create/manage custom fields on ACP [*]Ability to use Department to separate matters for staff via forum or e-mail address [*]Ability to use the application even if the board is offline (switchable setting) [*]Ability to use announcement [*]4 ways to receive the message:[list] [*]New topic [*]Private Message [*]Email [*]ALL [/list] [*]Topic and Private Message prefix on ACP [*]Topic and Private Message template on ACP [*]...and more. [/list]
  5. Yes I created catagories, Created awards, and set up the auto awarding aswell. It could be something with my skin right? It was my skin. Thanks!
  6. I am using the awards system here: The error I get when I open up /index.php/jawards/ on row 216 is $rows .= $this->registry->output->getTemplate('jawards')->category_row_start( $c ); It does this when I activate the Manage Cabinet Permissions.
  7. To remove the ipbskins copyright open the "Global Template" for that skin and remove: {$footer_items['copyright']}
  8. Hopefully it is I want to get it as soon as possible.
  9. Yeah sorry it's just that I tried looking for this a while back and couldn't find it anywhere for the latest skin version.
  10. Change this.. Into this.. First log into ACP > Click the "Look & Feel" Tab > Click on the Baisik Skin > Select CSS > Scroll down and click on "ipb_styles.css" Look for and delete the code below: #community_app_menu{ text-transform: lowercase; font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } That's it!
  11. This is my desktop for my Sony Vaio.
  12. Thanks glad to be here
  13. Hello everyone. I am happy to be part of this community!
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