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Everything posted by Kevin.

  1. Kevin.


    Hey Blake, do you own an IPS?
  2. I got it done by adding some codes to the languages php files. Thanks, this is solved.
  3. Hello Webflake, I would like to tie a theme to a specific language. When a member chooses a language from the dropdown languages list, they get directed to that specific language and a theme I specify. Is this possible? Thanks!
  4. Will you upload Group Collaboration - FULL 1.3.8? 

  5. I did that and this is what i got when i tried seeing if it worked >http://prntscr.com/ao3xwx - forum index But the name is fixed now > http://prntscr.com/ao3ygt What do I do now?
  6. How to upgrade again since it says its upgraded? I will re-upload but how to upgrade again?
  7. After I upgraded to 4.1.9 (nulled full version in webflake), the forums aren't working. http://prntscr.com/anyeod Whats the best action I should do?
  8. http://prntscr.com/7wta5p How can i delete the commas between names on who on line list?
  9. @Stake™ I honestly love namecheap's support and Yes you're right.
  10. I am now on VPS1 Xen by namecheap and i always suffer from Memory Usage issues. I thought of moving to IPB Hosting (+40 plan) even though its expensive. Your advice please?
  11. Amazing theme. One quick question though, is there a way to turn it to a dark theme?
  12. how can i delete subforum links in categories​? http://prntscr.com/7o4sfk
  13. How can i do the following? Adding the online tag next to the username http://prntscr.com/7m9awb
  14. http://www.francegamer.net/user/2-kouri/
  15. So I want the profile custom background to be located like this > http://prntscr.com/5sc2md What i currently have is this > http://prntscr.com/5sc30l Any help?
  16. As I am a designer, I think you're tying to make something simple and for gaming purposes at the same time which in my opinion doesn't fit. Gamers like dark. When I personally play, i'd like the light to be off. I know there are few good dark skins out there but you seem like you can do one yourself. Go for the dark.
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