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  1. Great Idea guys but announcing the winners on Twitter sucks not all of us ever do Twitter or would not go to Twitter if our life depended on it so loved the contest but hated the announcement of the winners. oh and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours.
  2. IPB, Xenforo and VB all are great. They each have the own strengths and weaknesses it all depends on what you are wanting them to do. I have all 3 on different sites and find that there isn't a lot of difference in them as the missing apps or hooks are all available whether by the developers or 3rd party so they are all just about the same. It just depends on what you want them to do and how much you are willing to invest in time and frustration on making them do what you want them to do. I am not so sure about IPB 4.x though hopefully it won't be a cluster fxxk like VB5.x is/was. Anytime a developer completely rewrites a piece of software there is going to be bugs and glitches just have to hope IPB won't follow in VB's path of ignoring the bugs and hoping the end-users will come up with the fixes
  3. After living through the VB5 debacle I am dreading it and will be waiting for many months before I will commit a site to it. A brand new from the ground up sounds good till you start encountering all the bugs in the programming and the lack of add-ons and custom skins till this day VB5 only has a handful of skins and very few apps that work for more than a short time because VB has to keep updating the lousy programming and still will not admit that they introduced bugs into the programming that they still haven't addressed yet. so till 4 is out and actually shown to be stable be very very careful of updating a working site with it till you are sure that it is stable and will be supported by all the 3rd party developers
  4. Just hope it isn't like what happened with VB5 going from a good stable product to a piece of crap that nobody can/will support
  5. And have you also considered that if you live in the U.S. there are many many reasons not to set up a server on your own equipment. Unless you want to take the chance on fighting all the legal ramifications that will result from using nulled software. And if you are going 100% legal why are you on a nulled site??
  6. First off Cloudflare is a joke I have 12 sites and have used CF on several of them and it has created more problems than it helped. But as far as using a keygen version of IPS that should have tipped you off that it was a pirated copy and not legal. And if CF sent your host the DMCA then you had better drop CF fast even if you are in a country that ignores DMCA a lot of host will suspend your account if it receives to many notices. And since CF is a US based company you may start getting a lot more of the notices since you have been spotlighted by IPS DMCA will not send notices to a offshore host usually but they will pound CF just to piss them of and no host is going to go against CF in your favor
  7. For the most part depends on what kind of forum you are planning since it is nulled software I would use an offshore host just to be safe, That is a matter of contention I know but just to be safe and to avoid possible shut downs by the host go offshore daringhost.com has been very reliable and if you do have a problem it is fixed right away
  8. Just a reminder though it depends on what type of forum you are going to set up GoDaddy may be a great company but they are a onshore host and if you are going for a warez, adult site you may want to reconsider also if you are using nulled software much better to consider going with a offshore host.
  9. It all depends on what type of forum you are going to make. I use all three and if I had to choose only one I would go with VB4 no way in heck would I go with there crappy VB5 but I have 4 Warez and 2 Graphics sites if I had a community site I would most likely go with Xenforo. I am fairly new to IPB but haven't been that impressed with it but like I say it really depends on what you are going to use it for. I have found that VB is the easiest to configure the way I want it to be I can modify the skins inany way I want way easier than in XF or IPB but it is true that whichever you use the most that is the one you will like the best simply because you find all the little tricks and tweeks for it
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