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Everything posted by TheyCallMeFox

  1. This happens because my forum width is kinda glitched. U notice how the right black bit is quite smaller than the left black bit , this is not my browser playing up btw. So when i change some stuff for example the avatar width this happens: It creates a gap below user info
  2. I would love to have a link on my shoutbox title to the rules posted on my forums like you guys got: Im assuming its somewhere in the shoutbox.css?
  3. I've got it set to zero, if i put 100 or more it breaks the post layout...
  4. No luck i change that exactly to what you said and the images didnt move an inch , the CSS bit was already done i guess it came with the skin.
  5. <li class='avatar'> <img itemprop="image" src='{$author['pp_thumb_photo']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large' /> This is what i got on mine. I swapped my skin temporarly to the Shift one and the images look a bit bigger than on my older skin but not as big as on this site. And i guess the skin is the same
  6. I would really love to have bigger avatar display on my forums like you have on yours. This is how mine looks This is your site
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