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TheyCallMeFox last won the day on May 10 2015

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About TheyCallMeFox

  • Birthday 10/10/1997

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  1. Cloudflare used to be the go to service for security through obscurity, hiding your host behind theirs. The DDoS protection offered was also pretty decent even for their free plan, with the paid ones being really good. Nowadays they seem to be aiming for a more complete package providing you many more tools and utilies than ever before, even an A+ rated SSL certificate for free. Not everything they ever did was great however. They did some shady stuff in the past, namely with the announcement of the "Strict" SSL option which was nothing but a cover up of a "mistake". All and all I suggest you give them a try.
  2. This is what i use. <?php $config = array( $gameport = XXX, $ip = "X.X.X.X"); echo $sock = @fsockopen($ip, $gameport) ? "Server Status:&nbsp;<font color="#39f000"><b><img src='online.png' style='height:30px; width:30px;'/>Online</b></font>" : "Server Status: <font color="#ff0000"><b>Offline</b></font>"; @fclose($sock); ?>
  3. Old post but regardless, if you just use cloudflare and no other protection at all you're nothing more than a sitting duck, CF is protection trough obscurity and that's one of the weakest forms of protection. I do use CF and alot of people do aswell and it's great, no question on that, it speeds up your website, acts as a reverse proxy and even has a BIC if you enable it but that's just it. If you want protection you need a good hosting company that has protection agaisnt DDoS ( OVH is great ) and you need to learn some basic defense mechanics so you don't wait on your host to just do everything.
  4. I've tried alot of stuff but they really don't work. Most programs won't get past 301.
  5. Hey guys, im looking to emulate/copy CF's Browser Integrity Check but i want to customize it aswell. In other words i want the same code that they use ( or at least a close one ) to check your browser so then i can add my CSS to it. I know that it basically checks your browser for common HTTP headers abused most commonly by spammers and denies access to the website. I have got this script which should work (?) <?php function challenge() { $key = 'dkfjneki4o3f3f'; //Change this to some random characters session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['_authorized'])) { if (isset($_POST['_authorized'])) { if (sha1(substr(time(), 0, 9) . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $key) != $_POST['_authorized']) { die('Access denied'); } else { $_SESSION['_authorized'] = ''; } } else { echo ' <form method="post"> <button type="submit" name="_authorized" style="display: none" id="_authorized" value="' . sha1(substr(time(), 0, 9) . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $key) . '"/> </form> <script> document.getElementById("_authorized").click(); </script> '; die; } } } challenge(); Can someone tell me if it's any good and how I would go about and implement this so it gets triggered when someone visits my website? Thanks in advance! -Fox
  6. 38 downloads

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