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Everything posted by merlinslair

  1. does what it says on the tin  works fantastic thankyou 
  2. nice addon is it anywhere around ive only be inactive resently due to losing 2 members of my family sadly very tough times but i like that addition for my site is it on here thanxs
  3. hi well have you added your site to the search engines to find it ?? just adding it once is not going to wash google and bing and others may have been by but they have long gone again you need atleast a daily visit from them all google and others wont look for you if you dont atleast help them first secondly your site only-ph.info i has the word INFO at the end tricky one for a start you want somthing like a .com or uk ect info sites and others that use those terms need some serious work to get noticed unless your data is constant and fresh then you will become invisible pretty much as really your under niche terms in a way also domain name age if you are very new then you need to step up and get noticed quickly get your site filled with info/posts/members/ get noticed that can help heres a few that could help you try using this http://www.entireweb.com/ use there free site submission service easy to do then try this http://pingomatic.com/ let it ping your url WARNING DONT OVER DO IT ONCE A WEEK PING OR EVERY 2 WEEKS IS ENOUGH OVER DO IT AND THEY GET WAIRY this site has some good handy tools aswell http://www.webconfs.com/ worst case is you have been whats known as sandboxed by google not the end of it all just need to know why they have sandboxed you and how to get out of it but i dont see what myself i just think that you have not been noticed for the search engines to come visiting to cache your contents do you allow bots to visit you are using an invisionboard set it up right it has a pretty good seo section now built in i use the latest invisionboard myself fully legal also is it legal ? you may have been black listed by invisionboard who where seriously on the hunt for illigal boards to get blocked and blacklisted it really is at this point hard to say but try the suggestions i have put i no expert but these have helped me and hard work aswell hope it helps anything else just hola
  4. hi i would not worrie about it that apews site looks like some trash site and your site does not seem to contain anything our of the norm to cause concerns as far as i can tell best way is to check your server ip address sadly if you are on some cheap nasty one with a million others it could be one of those thats giving your site along with others a bad name due to the ip address ie have 1 bad site all sharing the same home and they all suffer at some point check around try this site then go through the bottom list of sites http://www.ipvoid.com/ but as for your site it'self causing concerns i see nothing hope it helps
  5. Thanxs all for your responses and no I don't have no issues with adding an external system do you know of a good one As for your responce OpFor It just not upto what I nead as it is now I if I can get more visuals to the files on the main forum page that would help I already use several brought additions to do this I think a new skin would be helpful in this The main downloads page just has so much black areas the main middle section just shows only 3 lines of files so thd rest is just blank I asked on the main invisonboard sure but to no avail sadly My site really uses the downloads system to its highest but sadly the ip download system is just not there now But if you know of outside external programs for downloads please post gem I have looked around but just not finding much Many thanxs Merlinslair
  6. hi all so open to ideas and hope somebody out there may have the answer currently i use the invisionboards downloads system its not the best but has over the past done it's job but my site rely s on the downloads system we offer thousands of files(maps) to our users but the invisionboard downloads system is not up the mark any more to be honest i am looking to transfer my downloads system to a totally now downloads system which i could link onto my invisionboard i really want a system which is full page so when the users goes to the downloads system the page is full not as the system is now a couple of line s on the right of in our case maps as yuou can see with the poorly laid out invisionboards does anyone have anything like that or know of a system which would do the job many thanxs all for your time i hope what i have written makes scense lol the downloads system is out main website function if thats better lol merlinslair
  7. hi guys sorry for the late responce sad thought it was a auto thing that added once the file was uploaded wold be a nice adition if it was auto that way all files downloaded would have your site link in maybe sombody can figure it thankyou again merlin
  8. hi both yes thats correct i just downloaded a file from here and there was the webflakes url inside ive seen it on other sites and download sites just wondered if it was an addon or a hook that can be added or how you do it something needed on our site for maps is this somthing when a user added a file to your site the url is added inside that would be great if thats the case many thanxs
  9. hi all i noticed that a couple of the files i have downloaded from here have the webflakes url in it its not the first time i have seen this can i ask is this a hook or somthing that is done by other means and how do you go about it thankyou merlinslair
  10. good to see webflake back and running again love the new sx ending certainly a newone on me
  11. hi just a heads up on this one found how to do it here it is for those interested if they have to do the same thing ipb_styles.css Details .ipsSideBlock { color:#fff; } For the title (Map Submission Information) .bar { color: #FFF; }
  12. hi all can anyone tell me where i can locate the section for this text area as you can see it;s so dark i have looked through the css files in the acp and changed a few hex codes but they seem to do nothing even after refreshing the templates i hope sombody here may have the answer many thanxs for you time
  13. hi great tool but and seems to work fine BUT i cannot seem to update it i looked for an update button in the program non found i even tried to update it using the supplied updater in the package but that cannot be used directly how do you update it man ythanxs
  14. true the person below me likes chocolate
  15. this works fine just replace the icons with the ones with the cracks
  16. sorry to be a pain on this I cannot seem to get the wizard to work right I am at the point of the campaign and trying to create a campaign but it's saying the article builder invalid username and password am I presuming we need register to that after reading it seems the best one or is there another way or just use the low quality one many thanxs
  17. great work as always just a heads up the http://www.sendmyway.com/n3q1tkgiu4vg has been possibly change to make you download an exe using the same name as the file the correct file is a rar which is around 5 meg and when you go there it's an exe at a few kb and it's title is the same as the above mentioned software my guess very un healthy for your pc lol instantly blocked by my system before it even had chance to download it fully
  18. that's one hell of a template lol very cool big thanxs Duff-man for your hard work certainly going to be trying that one may take awhile lol
  19. great work sir one issue no idea if I am to press update or press no on this occation I pressed no just before the main screen comes up you get a meesage saying a missing or corrupt file hav been detected do you wish to run the updater and it starts to count down but it gives you the option to press yes or no I pressed no and the program started up I gather it is picking up the altered exe to say that but I am not certain many thanx UPDATE grabbed a pic for you seems it logs it hope it helps
  20. hi Duff Man any news on the update for this been a tad quiet since this version or any new work arounds for this really want to take a nose at this been on the hunt myself for it but seems to no avail look forward to hearing from you
  21. great responce and thanxs but nope still no go i'll hang untill you up the newer one look forward to seeing this in action big thanxs anyway for trying
  22. you can check your log file see if theres anything there theres nomally one inside the admin or there will be one locate around where your config.php file and index.php is check them looks like it maybe a sql issue no communication but hard to say untill you see the error logs theres a huge arayy of things it could be
  23. thankyou very much worth alook i've heared so many things lets see if they are true is there a copy of xrummer anywhere ? hmm having issues with getting this to work the process i am following is this open the rar there 2 files one is called SENukeUpdater and one is the exe press the SENukeUpdater and allow it to update which is does to 3.0.73 you don;t get a choice not to it seems automatic once done it does aks for an email address and password ?? which is not supplied but thinking like most press x then use the exe supplied should override that i changed the exe from the senuke with the ones supplied and pressed it to start it does nothing other them make a log file in the program with this inside it [2013-03-24 19:10:25.354] AssemblyVersion SEnuke XCr (v.3.0.71), Version:6.1.7601.65536[2013-03-24 19:10:25.354] Retries was 0 reset to 3[2013-03-24 19:10:25.354] MaxWorkerThreads was 0 reset to 10[2013-03-24 19:10:27.713] Critical Failure: Expectation Failed in EDBB573054424F948E18EFF676D0C552. i am prosuming by what i an read is the exe is for an older version 3.0.71 which you supplied and it wants to be 3.0.73 but i am uncertain would like to look at this aswell
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