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Everything posted by shadowintel

  1. Kensei your a bad ass keep up the good work. hi5

    HI MUTHA FUCKIN 5 = Megatron HI5 and a +1( using latest version of ipb)
  2. hey guys quick question how do you use other advertisement code other then google addsense. I signed up for bing, yahoo and a few name brand ones but no luck I was told to try out clicksor. because I am trying to get paid for clicks on page and ad views. most sites I run across the code wont work for ips forum html code box. where would I also palce it at in my template? if you can please take screen shots. thank you.
  3. Link is here: http://ouo.io/chX2x Note* these steps are very similar to the the rest the logins some of the steps are old in which you may have to skip one or two of them. where it says here on the guide. http://www.example.com/community/applications/core/interface/google/auth.php change to if your site is https same rule apply just add https to it. if done correct it should look like this.
    does not work with latest version and I belive doesnt work with https
    even though it said you could not edit every forum icon. I will still honor and give 5 stars because this product works
    map shows up and everything looks good
    downloaded it and seems like everything is https now.
  4. welcome to the site
  5. crap ok i figured it would be that
  6. what ad company or website webflake use for ads
  7. used hermit code to verify and it workds
  8. No if you look up top I was editing the template and I was using and edit the global tab section in the picture. the ajax.google and the code.jquery are the two sections where i edit. also note where it says script src i just added src after script because of gtmetrix said those two sections should be defer.
  9. So i was fooling around and found out I was using old versions of the files I was using I went to both sites and changed the version and to my surpise my website response time is faster. sites to find latest version. just changed the numbers https://code.jquery.com/ https://developers.google.com/speed/libraries/#jquery
    type in storage settings in in admin cp search bar on the upper right look at these two pictures and you will find it. took me 10 mins before it clicked in
  10. hey man should get much love here bro
  11. weather, sports, women? ; )
  12. you think it might be better then 3.4? also i think the theme style might be a bit hard.
  13. I heard that alot of people in african american communitys will be having this event on the 8th as a protest to not buy anything thing from major stores and not other business unless its black owned is this true?
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