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  1. You will need to replace the index.php file located in the /admin directory with the default IP.Board /admin/index.php file. Also, delete all .htaccess files. That should make everything work smoothly
  2. Advertising is definitely the fastest way to gain members. Think about it: You advertise and get 3 members, 2 out of those 3 members advertise and get 6 members, 4 out of those 6 advertise and so on... You would get a load of members if you were good at advertising, however, it's highly unlikely that those members would be quality, active members.
  3. Hey WebFlake community! I know this is a little bit of a late intro, but I'm just now deciding to become active on this community. Let's see where do I start... I've gone by many names (Rifter being my most current one and I plan to keep that name), and the reason my username on here is Kaiser, even though it's not my current alias, is because I made this account a while back. I'm an IP.Board fanatic and enjoy making cheap custom skins for people. I have extensive knowledge with HTML and CSS, just ask my friends Codza and IP.Board. I have ran various gaming forums, all of which ran IPB, in the past, but I'm done with running forums now. You may see me around the forums selling some of my works at a decent price. Also, I'm a grammar nazi Well, I'm looking forward to be a good, contributing member of this forum!
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