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  1. so im using wordpress for a news side and i want if a article is made the title of the article will show up on main page for my ipb site in a box in sidebar and when the name is clicked it redirects you to the wordpress article.. how would i do this
  2. That displays the database not the parsed version this is how i want it to look like this is what i have you see the top image how its a rank picture and the under it a rank that uses the custom profile feature <center><img src='http://##{key}.png'></span><br/>{content}</center> welll if i do that in the profile modern it only displays the KEY how do i make it display the Content as well and but a if statement around each {$member['field_#'] so if the value it * it doesnt show
  3. But I wanna put them in the profile. (Profile modern) Not userinfopane I know they are tere by default put I'm redesigning the profile look and am splitting them up and relocating them I'm using {$member['field_11']} But it's displaying the key not the content how do I make it so it displays the content like a. Normal profile field would
  4. Just looking for the snippet to display a custom profile field instead of the way it is now where all are listed there I wanna move my fields 11-16. Under the rating and above other fields then display another field to right in sideblock
  5. I know that ipb displays them by fefusly by I wanna move them around how would I hard code a custom profile field in the profile using field_#
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