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Everything posted by Milo

  1. This is good to hear you guys are doing this. I know you said we don't have to do it for say IPB stuff but is it still a good idea to use for IPB downloads we do or is this not valid at all? I like to check into stuff I am using is all.
  2. Milo

    Ads in Skin?

    I did a scan of a skin I downloaded and I found some google ad code or something in the skin. I am trying to see if it is the uploader who did it or the designer of the original skin? Any feedback would be welcomed!
  3. Milo

    MyBB or IPB?

    I dislike Mybb royally so IPB
  4. Thanks for the info I figured out how to do it and what webmaster site you were talking about
  5. BigScoots.com is awesome as well as Futurehosting and liquidweb
  6. I am curious if you use cloudflare nameservers how would they find your host?
  7. it is a bit quiet here these days
  8. I am hoping IPS 4 comes out soon(even in beta) before thanksgiving. I am so ready to get off my Xenforo site. The only reason I wont use Nulled is because my forum is known around admin sites and I don't want to get caught Played with the Preview and I love it!
  9. I use the Cpanel backup feature. I have it saved to my computer and various cloud storages.
  10. Took me awhile to remember my username here. I have been inactive and I am just reintroducing myself to the community. I'm Milo and I hope to be able to contribute the site(How idk lol) with my products I've brought.
  11. Thanks i sent a PM still needing help with this issue, please.
  12. I am using Villain Skin and ran into an issue... I want my Logo to Span the entire top part as you see in the screenshot below....I want it to take the whole grey part up and not just centered like it is in the screenshot. As well as I want to make the height a little bigger...at least 100 PX. Problem is, as you can see the nav bar is screwed up majorly. So how would i get it like i want it? (IPB definitely is harder to skin than Xenforo I am noticing.)
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