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About nelsa

  • Birthday December 14

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  1. Intel was ahead of AMD for most of the time,but now with Ryzen CPUs,AMD is challenging Intel more than ever and for the money you can get more than for same amount with intel
  2. Well,it seems to me that Xen foro 2 is very good and I heard many users saying it is better...I did try both Xen foro 2 and IP board 3.x.x but I didn't try IPS 4...Xen Foro 2 is better than IP Board 3.4.6(latest I used) but I heard many good reviews for IPS 4...so
  3. Well I have commercial version of antivirus on all devices but I didn't buy this one,I got it as addon for free on 3 devices,but yes in past I have payed for antivirus license.
  4. nelsa

    Windows 10

    Well Microsoft will loose much with this sick force update policy....It doesn't mater is Win10 is good or not this aggressive policy will have negative impact...as I sow online there much more users who see this as negative than neutral or positive review.And this bring some concerns fro future..What will be next? So even if it is perfect OS this is something that will force many users to go with alternative...there many reasons why users don't want to upgrade their sistems and what is much more important thjey don't want to wake and see other OS on their PC..at least till they completely sure ever application will work on new platform.
  5. Well actualy it is not good idea to change SSH port outside priviliged ports range i.e above 1024. Because below 1024 are special priviliged ports and this is a security feaure.People like to move this port away in order to lower the number of attacks on the SSH port but that pop ups other worst risks.Now insted explaining I will just copy one part of very good article from https://www.adayinthelifeof.nl/2012/03/12/why-putting-ssh-on-another-port-than-22-is-bad-idea/ So if you don't have problems with attacks don't do this but if you are constantly under attacks and no way to deal with this(there is many better ways you can deal with this without moving SSH on non priviliged port) than you need to make sure you know what are you doing...and in that case there is few things you shoud do to lower security risks you just made by moving SSH on non priviliged port ...for more I sugest to look in whole article above..and also first explore online how to deal with attacks without changing port and also look for tips how to move SSH on non priviliged port without exposing your server.
  6. Intel Xeon CPU-instant activation(server is activated instantly)

    This is high quality server with 100MB network speed,1 TB backUp drive
        4 Cores @ 3.3 GHz / 3.7 GHz Turbo
        8 GB RAM (DDR3)
        1TB, RAID 1
        1 TB 7200 RPM SATA (Backup Drive)
        5 TB Outbound & FREE Incoming Bandwidth
        3 IP adress in network already,more IP available @ 1.50$
        1 VPN account gratis-already activated and online(this *VPN is separete service and not on server you buy)

       Datacenter in US /Lansing


  7. Well I just want to close you situation with companys,it doesn't need to be web hosting company.All of them use +- same practice,all of them use TOS improperly and put there 40-50% rules which they shoudn't. TOS must be in accordance with the law and should the user to close the legal framework within which it(TOS) must be, but the company can not write the laws and rules,they only can put existing applicable laws and regulations in TOS,but they not do that insted they write own rules whch is also againest laws and regulations. Court judgments are public and are published in the state official journal, just look how many lawsuits companys have lost per year because of improperly service agreements
  8. Well to be honest ,this whole thing with copyrights are goes way to far,and many of companys TOS paragraphs/articles are brakeing some lows also.They cant do what ever they wan't you know,just so you know.Every country has low for copy right protection but that low also put many restriction on copyright owner and like I said most companys TOS are even 30-50% aginest these lows,but users never check this.I will give you one good example for web hosting companys,they terminate accounts very often but in 99% case users can get money back but they don't know how to do this. If you read web hosting companys TOS you will found in every that say "no refund in TOS" for what ever reason,well gues what I'm provider and i can't do anything when customer ask for refund(if he has justification and if ask on right place),why because every payment merchant has own refund policy and only that policy is valid not mine,also these refund policys are strict. 2checkout has even suport sistme for end users and they don't give shit about provider policy,also if you pay with CC you can ask refund 6-12 months(depending which CC is) after payment directly in your bank or from merchant procesor who provide virtual terminal ,and provider can do anything(like I said if you have justification) because every merchants have own policy and they all hold some % of every transaction for 1-3 months just in case refund is requested.Ask any provider and they will tell you that charge backs after even 3-6 months are nothing un usual,I had one 7 months after payment. So it is not like they can do anything they want,sure they can write in TOS what ever they want and even terminate your account but you can still get your money back,vbulletin also use merchant for cc procesing it is easy to find which is,after that you just need to look in merchant AUP/TOS and find hole,if that won't help than you can ask help from your bank.Companys TOS/AUP(I own company and I can tell for sure) is not ,and have not, any legal authority.Heck,where did you hear that every moron can write legal article,TOS / AUP must be matched with tens or more laws, some providers are understand this as a legal way to rob users, but in reality it does not work that way.
  9. nelsa

    name site?

    Well it shoud be related with web design,in that case from the domain name users can get an idea about what that website is. good examples; militaryphotos.tld militaryforum.tld freewebhosting.tld earncash.tld But most of popular names are already used sp you need to be creative and in same time do not register to long domain name max 14-15 charters
  10. Well you dont need to trust them to put your ads on their front page. They don't sell anything to anyone,it's social network web site like facebook,everything on that site is completly free and even advertising on PR4 front page,like you got free ads on facebook wall,only difeence facebook ads are not free and facebook is more popular and got higher PR. Site is 1 year old and offcourse it will have low trustworth rating.Globalshare site is labeled as from New Zeland and server is located in Germany,at the end there is nothing to be trust,use free e-mail for registration and put ads on PR-4 web site,they dont ask any .confidential information from you.Free backlinks and ads from very popular site(google PR4 and Alexa 9860 rank)shoud be used.Users at that sites are ordinary mens and womans, and as I can seen most of them are in beetween 35-50 years old and from countryes like USA,Indonesia,Australia,New zeland,Malesia...etc,which means most of them are well suited workers with years of service, which is very nice targeted traffic for free.I looked at those scam reporters and almost all of them are reported that their account was deleted,considering their policy is 5 free ads for all i woud say many of them are probably deleted because of spam.My account is there for 4 mounths and I have 5 ads(can see it at Screen S),I go there every 5 days to renew my ads and I post few links to my websites,I got a lot of free traffic and more important I got a lot of users from that traffic, because nobody force them to click ads ,so anyone who visit your site it's because it find something for himself.To be honest I'm tired of the "targeted traffic" with 98% bounce rate which in most case you will got from marketing agency,traffic exchange or PTC sites..etc.
  11. Free web hosting powered by cpanel include: 5GB web space (10GB on demand) 50GB traffic (100 GB on demand) 6 addon domain (max 10 on demand) 6 mysql(max 10 on demand) Web site bulder included Auto installer included(word press,joomla,phpbb3,smf 2,...+ more than 50 other) No ads your ads alowed SEO plugin with 100+ tools(not attracta) Free domain and subdomain alowed Q:how to get "on demand".A : just send suport ticket Register direct at http://www.xhoster.info or Sign Up at http://forumvojnik.org and you will get account automaticly by default after few hours. Account can be moved to paid server(zet-host.com) at any time, users can choose hepsia or cPanel paid hosting but with free hosting you can go for a long time,it's stable web hosting.
  12. You can put your text adds or baner for free on global share PR 4 site.Your adds wil bee seen on wall and all other pages.Adds are placed in left sidebar and you must renew(one click on renew button) every 5 days and you can place 5 adds at time.Adds are targeted and it will be rotated every 30 sec to 1 min. link: https://www.globallshare.com Screen shots When you sign up you will see at right side "advertise on GAS" click there and create text adds or texs and image adds.
  13. Thanks for welcome and I will read forum roules.
  14. Hallo to everone i'm nelsa,for some time I visit this forum and today I finaly open account,forum is great and very useful for me,thanx for that.
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