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  1. I've personally built a few machines for games such as this with a Ryzen 5 2600 with no issues. 2nd Gen Ryzen 5 or 8th/9th Gen Intel i5 should be perfect. If you have the extra cash go to i7/Ryzen 7 but I doubt you'll use the extra performance. This setup is perfect for 1080p/1440p. Good luck.
  2. It's likely that All Rich Usernames has no idea about your moderators under node plugin - you are going to have to edit the source of that plugin to respect username colors or ask the author to do the same. XenForo's template language is fairly simple for something like this - however without exact knowledge of each plugin I couldn't tell you what to do.
  3. There is an SSO solution for IP.Board & WordPress called IPBWI (which is much better supported than under vBulletin due to IPS Connect). For style - you are going to have to craft the style yourself to move the footers across - it is easier from WordPress -> IPB than IPB -> Wordpress from my personal experience in integration. The same is with vBulletin - you will need to craft your own style - if you are using vB 3.x - it is REALLY easy to style it in to your current WP website with a few tweaks and copying the style of the WP site.
  4. I really like Apple Music - the mobile app is pretty neat (plus Soor for iOS <3) and it is unfortunately the only one that works with Siri. However, they are let down hugely on feature parity with Spotify on devices and on the desktop. Spotify Connect and Spotify's desktop client are the killer apps that keep me to their platform.
  5. PC Gaming is a much more open platform, I've been a PC gamer for pretty much my entire time I have spent gaming. It however does have its downsides (poor ports to PC etc) but the benefits such as easy modifications, access to emulators and cheaper games really outweigh the few negatives. Plus, Microsoft are planning to move most Xbox One titles to PC, so console exclusives will not hold the weight over PC users for much longer.
  6. There is a tutorial already on WebFlake for this:
  7. Hi there, Cryptocurrency can be profitable, however Bitcoin proper is probably not the best currency to invest in. The market of crypto is a little bit harder to predict but if you have either quality signals or you are able to monitor things regularly, it is a good investment. For low volume, crypto is probably not fantastic. For a longer term investment, Crypto/Forex is never going to be a great idea however - you may want to look more towards a different type of portfolio for that.
  8. Hi there, I use IPS 4.4.1 - I'm currently working on a small set of scripts that use the IPS session outside of the IPS directory - however I am having an issue with this. All scripts are on the same domain, the directories are set up as follows /folder1 - IPS /folder2 - External Script Is it possible that when I log in from the external script (with referrer) that I can then be redirected back to the external script? I know it will work when it is an internal application but I seem to not be able to make it work currently. Thanks in advance, CmdrSpock
  9. It's a little bit basic but LittlePoll would probably fit these requirements. http://www.mr-corner.com/LittlePoll/ Basic, but works.
  10. If you don't need Cloudflare's protection, don't bother. If you do - use both, CloudFlare will then talk to your server securely.
  11. XFA have a plugin that will do just this, will force the user to make an introduction (https://xenforo.com/community/resources/xfa-force-users-introduce-themselves-xf2.6604/). Or you could use TH's User Criteria Extended (https://xenforo.com/community/resources/th-user-criteria-extended.6276/) and only allow the default group to post in introductions, and then once they have gained this one post it can promote them to an "introduced user" group. Hope this helps.
  12. 4.3.6 seems the most supported right now, but I'm currently using IPS 4.4 on my forums.
  13. Ah, sorry. I hadn't looked at the date properly, it was in the top few topics so I'd assumed it was relatively recent.
  14. A cPanel license? Have you installed it on the server you want to use it yet - if so - you will need to login to do the following: create an account or accounts for the websites you will be using set the domain to the shared/dedicated IP of the site (if third-party DNS) or change the name servers to the ones you have defined and setup in the original setup process set up everything you require inside the website (it's self explanatory and has a search box in the new UI to help you find what you need). I hope this helps, if you need anything else relating to this please feel free to get in touch.
  15. This is mainly down to personal preference, however I'm a XenForo fan, it's old-styled but for those of us who have been around for a while it's much more comfortable to use.
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