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Manipura last won the day on May 19 2014

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About Manipura

  • Birthday April 20

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  1. ahhhhh and here comes the conflict i was having in my head great -_- lol
  2. Thank You for your input, thats what I thought but wanted to be sure before i started messing around with the files
  3. Thanks, I have that, What I meant is how do you get the Topic Title ONLY (No Description below)
  4. So you guys have it so the similar topics descriptions and what not are removed, is this a skin edit, css or what?
  5. Manipura

    What is this?

    GIMME CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Babymetal!!)
  6. You can always just change the Theme Images transparency prior to upload. The way it sounds is you would like to upload any photo and have a set default opacity. If you need help with making an image more transparent I can help. just post the image here and i'll take care of it
  7. So I have this IP App for Raffles It works and everything *Except when i click 'Pick Winner' it gives me this error Features: Intregrate with IP.Nexus/PayPal, so you can sell raffles Ability to create an automatic topic when the raflle is completed (admin can choose the forum, the topic author, topic title and topic (post) content) Send a PM to the winner(s) of every raflle when is completed Notifications when the payment is recognized and when the raffle is completed Global hook inviting users to the raffle FURL Tabs on Admin CP raffle form Added a description field on Admin CP raffle form....... & So one That is the issue. No idea whats going on... tried and failed many a time I give up help needed
  8. Thanks! You should start seeing a change within a couple weeks!
  9. What is your price range? Doesn't seem like a pressing matter... only advice Over do it, Get top notch graphics, ram, hdd space, and cooling system. I'd advise waiting a little bit though if you can. I Say that because this is releasing before 2015 http://www.bit-tech.net/news/hardware/2014/05/01/seagate-10tb/1 My Thoughts, partition the hard drive 4 ways boot Linux, Mac & Windows with 1/4 to spare as backup. I advise you do similar could last you a VERY long time.
  10. Step One: Requirements Before installing, you need to make sure that your hosting environment meets the software requirements. Our requirements are listed on our web site and you can also download a script which will check if your server meets the requirements. You will also need your database information for the install of IP.Board. You will require the database name, the database (SQL) user and password. If you are unsure of this information, you should check with your hosting provider. There is an optional entry for table prefix. This is usually only required if you need to share a database with other third party products. If you're not sure if your sever meets the requirements, or you need any of the requirements explained, simply submit a support ticket and a technician will be happy to advise you. Step Two: Downloading You can download your software from the client area. Once logged in, select "Purchases" from the left-side menu and download the latest version of each piece of software you're installing by clicking your purchase (if you're just installing just IP.Board, you'll only need that, but if you also purchased IP.Gallery for example, you need to download that separately). Please note that IP.Calendar is now a separate application and can be found under the 'download' button on the IP.Board application along with IP.Chat and IP.Converge. Once downloaded, unzip the file and it will contain at least an "upload" folder, and possibly "Documentation" and/or "Tools", depending which package you're looking at. Step Three: Uploading You now have two choices. Either you may upload the files to your "webroot" so that your forums appear at 'http://www.domain.com' or you may create a new directory on your server named appropriately. If you wanted to access the forums via 'http://www.domain.com/forums/' create a directory called 'forums' in the webroot directory. The "webroot" directory is usually 'public_html', 'www' or 'httpdocs', but this varies from server to server so if you're unsure, contact your hosting provider. Using your FTP client, you can now move into the directory you wish to upload to (in the example above, we would move into the newly created 'forums' directory) and upload the the contents of the "upload" folder in the expanded zip archive you downloaded. You need to upload all the contents of the upload folder/directory as expanded. If you are installing more than one piece of software (for example, IP.Gallery in addition to IP.Board) you should also upload the contents of their "upload" folders to the same destination. You can choose to install additional software at the same time or skip this step and install it later. If you are installing IP.Nexus or IP.Converge, you must ensure your FTP client is set to upload files in binary mode before uploading. IP.Nexus requires either IonCube or Zend Optimizer to run. For all other products, auto mode is usually fine. Once you have finished uploading the files, you need to rename "conf_global.dist.php" to "conf_global.php". If you have uploaded IP.Content at the same time you will need to rename "media_path.dist.php" to "media_path.php" You should then CHMOD the files and directories. Below is a list showing the file structure and recommended permissions for the files and directories in the IPS Community Suite. The values may vary from system to system, if in doubt, please open a support ticket in the client area and a technician will be happy to advise you. Items in blue must be CHMOD 0777, or fully writeable (IUSR_<server-name> "Full Control") on a Windows server. Items in black must be CHMOD 0755, or normal values for a folder on a Windows server. Items in red must be CHMOD 0777 (or fully writeable on a Windows server - IUSR_<server-name> "Full Control") for installation, and then can be CHMOD 0644 (or normal values for a file on a Windows server). Items with * must be recursively performed to affect all sub-folders and files. admin blog colorpicker fonts cache * ccs_files * conf_global.php converge_local downloads * hooks * interface ips_kernel lofiversion public ipc_blocks * js min resources style_avatars style_captcha style_css * style_emoticons * style_extra style_images * screenshots * uploads * On a server that uses suPHP, all folders must be set to 0755, and all files to 0644, initially. The software may write some of its cache files at 0777, but those can be safely ignored If you're not sure what suPHP is then you can probably safely ignore this note. Note that upon successful installation, you may CHMOD conf_global.php back to just being readable without being writable. On many servers this corresponds to 0644. If you are installing other applications like IP.Gallery, IP.Content, etc. you can upload them along with your install and everything will install at the same time. Step Four: Installing 
You should now run the installer file through your web browser by entering the URL to it into your browser address bar (if you have followed our example, type in domain.com/forums/admin/install, naturally subsituting 'domain.com' for your web address). If there are any issues with the server set up, files, or CHMOD values of your files, you will be presented with warnings here to correct those before proceeding. Any issues that are found here will normally require you to correct those before installation can occur, otherwise, follow the onscreen instructions. When you get to the form asking where you would like your IP.Board installed to, you can usually leave the values as they are as the software will do its best to automatically detect the location you are installing. You can find your license key in the client area by clicking your purchase. Your license key activates additional services like the Spam Monitoring Service, Visual Skin Editor, etc. See above screenshot for location. You will need your database information for the install that you obtained in step one. The SQL host can usually remain as "localhost" unless your provider has informed you otherwise. You can generally leave the "SQL Table Prefix" as blank, unless you are sharing the database with third party software, i.e. perhaps WordPress. If unsure about the MySQL Table Type simply leave as MYISAM. When asked for your administrator login information, simply enter the information you would like to login to your community and the Administration Control Panel ("Admin CP or ACP"). It's important you remember this as you will use this information as soon as the installer is finished to login to your community to start the fun process of managing it. Once the installer is finished, follow the link and to log into your newly installed community with the information you set for your administrator account. Once you are logged into the board, you can click on the "Admin CP" link found in the navigation bar to access the Administration Control Panel. - https://www.invisionpower.com/support/guides/_/install-and-getting-started/installing-r18
  11. This seems like a pretty dumb question to me.... but how can I change the permissions for viewing a profile?!?!?
  12. are you talking about recent topics??
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