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Heiyo last won the day on July 15 2021

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About Heiyo

  • Birthday 03/09/1997

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  1. That website is created on a dedicated server or a vps server, if you don`t havea dedicated server or vps server you can`t make a forum on server ip adres.
  2. AREA-GAMES COMMUNITY is an online gaming community that have great succes with competitions Counter Strike 1.6 ! This community was created on 31 May and until than alots of users chose us for our seriozity ! I want some reviews from your, what we have to change or to add. We have an valide key of IP.Board ! AREA-GAMES COMMUNITY ( website ) AREA-GAMES COMMUNITY ( facebook ) AREA-GAMES COMMUNITY ( steamgroup )
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This is the theme of Play-Arena Community made by Portocala & Shady. www.play-arena.ro
    Ce faci măi copilaș , temele mele sunt făcute de tine ? Cât de ratat poți să fii ? Nu e bai am grijă și de tine cât de curând când am să te fac de rahat pe tot internetul cu forumul tău vai de mama lui plin de buguri. This skin is made by me Sebastian C. not by you stupid kid . First of all , this is skin is Aimers # GREEN made for Aimers Community , this kid downloaded from the website where i uploaded it and just change 1 color . Another example of stupid kid from Romania , a country where you can see all of this shit everywhere.
    This is just a RIP made by a stupid kid , here is the prove from ipb_style.css , copy+psate on ipb_stayle.css and this is the skin , don`t download this skin because you weaste your time
    R.I.P Version with copy css .
  4. How patetic you can be , this is the skin made by mixgamers and edited by csclasic
  5. Version v2.0 - beta


    [size=3][font='trebuchet ms']This is the new skin community TWG Romania made by me.Skin is still in beta, and I decided to give this version.[/font][/size] [size=3][font='trebuchet ms']Everything you see is made only in css not change anything in globaltemplate.[/font][/size] [size=3][font='trebuchet ms']Thanks for you attention and please if you respect my work don`t delete my name from the skin template.[/font][/size] [size=3][font='trebuchet ms'][color=#ff0000][b]LIVE DEMO[/b][/color]:[/font][/size] [url="http://twg.ro/forum/"]http://twg.ro/forum/[/url]
  6. Heiyo


    Version v1.0


    [b][font='trebuchet ms'][size=3]This is the old skin from TWG ROMANIA . Is made by me :)[/size][/font][/b]
  7. Version 1.0


    [size=4][font='courier new'][b]This skin is made ​​by me. I want to be used for gaming communities that do not have a skin. I stay my name because boys Romans change the name and they did give great skin. I do that's why romania.[/b][/font][/size] [size=4][font='courier new'][b]Forgive me for my bad English[/b][/font][/size]
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