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  1. Im looking to get back into making forums I have good knowledge of mybb and have some finances to spare... Add me on skype: cjk1744
  2. Hey guys, im looking for a set of custom usergroups for my forum. What i will need: Administrator Global Mod. Sectional Mod. VIP ------------------ Awesome Famous Sponsor FPS Member Golden I have separated some off because i need them to be a different design to the others as they are 'Special Ranks' My budget for this is $50. Im looking for high quality work, similar to that of this forum. Please add me on skype: SupermaanHF
  3. Thanks soo much for that dude! That helped alot!
  4. But what about the mysql details, how do i change them to the new hosts details
  5. Im looking to change my hosting company. How would i take the files i currently have on my current host, and transfer them to the other host to make them work (because i know my current site has the mysql details that i have on my current host) Thanks
  6. Hi guys. Im in need of some group icons, specific to my forum. Me forum is: http://thegamersboards.com/ Please message me on here or add me on skype (c.kelly1744) if you can help (Im more active on here) Thanks
  7. Looks amazing! Check your private messages!
  8. Color Scheme - Different shades of blue Font type (DaFont.com) - Any Images - Any Community type (gaming/design/fansite) - Gaming community Logo size - 260x100 Text desired - TheGamersBoards (Main text) One Board, One Community (Smaller sub-text) Example logo - http://www.thetechgame.com/themes/ttgv4/images/logo.png Slogan (if applicable) One Board, One Community Animation (if applicable) - N/A THANKS!!!!!
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