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dongly007 last won the day on January 3 2018

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  1. Hi All, I am just curious everytime I reload the page the Chatbox+ goes to Hide mode and each time we have to show the room, Could you please advise how to keep the Chat room always in Show Mode.
  2. Hi All, Could you please anyone help me on how to activate or get the plugin for Read that topic popup in 4.4.10. Regards, Dongly007
  3. You were absolutely correct, it was conflicting with the plugin Group Colors on User Links and I had to disable it to get the Group Legend in Who is Online
  4. The link is for the Group Name Indicator I am using IPB 4.4.10 and Who is Online is a inbuilt plugin and wanted the Group Legend beneath the Who is online like WF
  5. Hi Guys, I have issue with the Group Name Indicator which was previously called Group Legends, I am trying to get the Group Name Indicators in the Who is Online Widget/Block, apprently it is not showing in Who is Online Widget/Block for some reason and it is showing in Recently Browsing Widget/Block which I dont need in that. I have Enabled in both the Widget as per the below screenshot, then also it shows only in the Recently Browsing Widget and not in Who is Online Widget. Appreciate your support. Thanks in advance.
  6. Thanks for the tip. Could you please explain where to go copy and paste the information. the first screenshot is from the webflake, I have searched the plugin and I cant find it anywhere in this forum
  7. Hi Team, How to make the forum stats in one block as per the below screenshot However, my forum has like this which looks more clumsy. Appreciate your support
  8. Please move this thread, the Vuex theme has the navigation issue and I have changed the theme its working fine.
  9. Hi Guys, Yet another problem, I can not see the Home Navigation, and not sure what has to be done. Can anyone please help me resolve this please. Using the theme : Vuex 1.0.2
  10. Hi Guys, I have setup the board freshly and after the users registered, they are not getting the Validation email to their email. And also checked in SPAM/JUNK. I have provided the email address from where it has to be sent. Any ideas on this. IPS\Email\Outgoing\Exception: email_test_mailfunction_disabled (0)
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