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Purple last won the day on December 16 2019

Purple had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Purple

  • Birthday 12/08/1995

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  1. Even though you're not here anymore...

    Happy Birthday and...


  2. Ah, I see what I did. I did that before today. Thanks for catching me there. Also, would you still happen to have that small star? The ones I have all suck and that one was perf.
  3. I am using ipb 3.4 (latest) In the link above, I am using the code that was made by the user to show reputation on the userpane. I have two questions. 1. The code I copied is not working correctly when I am trying to display the star icon when a user has 500 or more posts. The code I am using on the userinfopane for rep is: At the bottom, you will see my code for reputation. I replaced <if test="$author['pp_reputation_points'] >= 500">green</if> with <if test="$author['pp_reputation_points'] >= 500"><img src="{style_images_url}/star.png" /></if>{$author['pp_reputation_points']} and it output this error: It does not display the star icon, even when I remove the duplicated reputation_points statement at the end of the codeline above this. I am simply trying to make it display the rep with the small star next to it when your above 500 rep.. Thanks
  4. You need to make a subdomain. If you are using Cpanel as a web management tool, then it has it in there.
  5. I agree with this stuff.. pretty well written and too the point. Should be help some new web admins
  6. I used them once before and I can tell you that you can get more for your money if you looked a bit more. Wish that I could of replied to this sooner... I highly recommend Cloudose.com - I say this because they offer unlimited bandwidth and they are really affortable. Their servers are fast and they offer good support and a few extra services to set your server up nicely.. Some of the services offered are them setting the server up to connect only to your IP (Comes in handy) and also they have setup services, along the lines of setting up Apache and such.
  7. I agree. I miss ForumCore as well. There were a lot of issues near its end that really forced us to move on.
  8. I like the general idea you are trying to cover with this. The color you chose for the font is lovely.
  9. Phun, this theme is really nice!! Good work on it:) Everything fits well.
  10. Good luck to both of you!! Keep it up:)
  11. The colors... oh how I love the colors.
  12. Looks pretty neat. I want to see what you can do with it in the future.
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