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Everything posted by Frenchie

  1. Version 3.0.2


    This application will create a specific rule for the forums you want, so users of specific groups, set by the administrator, must agree before they are able to create topics. [b]Notes[/b]:[list] [*]BBCodes & Smilies allowed [*]No file or template edit requireD [/list] What's New in Version 3.0.2 ([url="http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=changelog&file=4533"]See full changelog[/url])[list] [*]Excluded from Mobile skin [/list]
  2. Can you post a pic of the permissions on the categories that are affected?
  3. I've used both in the past, but I personally prefer IPB just because I'm more familiar with it.
  4. Can you provide some Screenshots?
  5. Well it depends on your needs. If you don't need mobility than I suggest a Desktop.
  6. Are you asking for a retail version? If you want to buy it you can always go to their site and buy a license off of them or you might be able to find someone here that will sell you a license, you just have to look around.
  7. What version of IPB and what version of the Poke app are you using?
  8. You would find the flood control setting under, System Settings > System > Security and Privacy.
  9. Frenchie



    I take no credit for RIP'ing this theme, I just wanted to upload it here so that anyone who wants it doesn't have to waste time looking for it elsewhere.
  10. Uninstall that hook and find a replacement or an updated version of it.
  11. Welcome Merlin Nice site only thing I can see that you should fix right off the bat is your forums navigation bar which is pretty much hidden on the forum index page.
  12. To make something similar to that you'd use code that looks like this, of course you'd have to edit it and change the colors to your liking. <span style="color:MAIN COLOR GOES HERE;font-weight:bold;text-shadow:0px 0px 7px SHADOW OR GLOW COLOR GOES HERE;background: url(~SPARKLES IMG LINK GOES HERE)">
  13. You have fill them out an you also have to create a FB app and link to it in those settings to get the hook working.
  14. Did you fill-in all the settings correctly? http://prntscr.com/36kmfr
  15. Both of the hooks Kingy linked downloaded fine for me, not sure why you're getting that error message
  16. So you want to make a Navigation tab? That's what I've understood from op.
  17. I'm not exactly sure but I'd check your skins userinfopane or the whatever templates come with the Awards system. I'm also curious, what skin are you using?
  18. You would be able to resize that by going to your AdminCP and from there you'd access System > System Settings > Member's Tab > User Profiles > scroll down a bit and find the option that says "Show users full photo in topic view; maximum width:". Just enter the number you want in there and IPB will automatically resize all the avatars for you.
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