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Ninetailz last won the day on January 27 2015

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About Ninetailz

  • Birthday 10/01/1994

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  1. Well discourse is a pure discussion forum but you can build community in it, also yes its plus is open source and looks awesome & modern than other forum software that you have to pay for. Open source development is always fast, they release new updates like every 2-3 days! Here the admin cp of discourse
  2. That's good to hear, make it better than the 2013 one :P
  3. So late 2014 i have stopped using IPB, now i use discourse. Pros: - FREE & OPEN SOURCE | Thanks for reminding me Phun :P - So no need to null it - Looks beautiful than traditional forums - Functions magically (no need to reload browser all real time) - Better performance/faster than traditional forum - Really responsive from get to go Also more -> http://www.discourse.org/about/ Cons: - You cannot delete a post permanently - Discourse don't have full functionality of a forum software yet - You have to know about a little about how ruby in rails works + postgresql (almost like mysql but better) - Last of all, Hardware compatibility..... I could install IPB in any VPS/Dedicated servers (no openvz/kvm restriction/ no ram restriction) but Discourse needs at least (1 gb ram with swap- no matters to me) but KVM support with higher kernel version... The thing is almost all of the servers i own is openvz and KVM is rare almost but well nowadays with DO you can get one for cheap but this is where i got stuck and frustrated.. So i would like you guys to compare Discourse with IPB, Discourse official website - http://www.discourse.org/ Their sandbox - http://try.discourse.org/
  4. Where did the glorious theme of 2013 go? Haven't logged in for a long time and this happens :/
  5. Welcome Enjoy your nulled software and be happy :3
  6. I pay like $7 a month in openvz linux vps and hosting now many forums and website also game servers/applications, vps gives you the best performance + tools you need build website or basically anything if you need more just upgrade to dedicated or increase the space on the vps.
  7. That made me laugh XD BTW In my opinion IPB is secure :3
  8. Custom made by phun (administrator)
  9. you can set up a nulled one if you like and test it.. btw no testing for other apps beside forums
  10. Ninetailz

    Question WF SKIN ?

    The header pictures just awesome, and the skin is well made too :3 good job phun
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