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Everything posted by c0d3ma5ter

  1. try recaching and rebuilding your skin have you checked on another skin? it could be some div tag causing the problem
  2. Hello is there any restrictions on the marketplace to create a topic i cant seem to create one and cant seem to find any information as to limitations Thanks
  3. loving this skin right now i really like the sidebar and the unique look very rare to find such a good skin like this
  4. nice design very responsive and organised
  5. there massivly behind on devleopment i think it will change again
  6. i seriously doubt it wont be nulled and even if it dont get nulled retails will still get leaked i have a licence and ill be sure to provide retails to people there not really a way for them to prevent people leaching the software
  7. startssl is free however there free certs are not verified by all browsers such as google chrome and some people will be hit with the untrusted certificate error just buy a cheap ssl cert from cheapssls.com and youll be sorted although you only need ssl if your selling not for a forum
  8. if your wanting to start a webhosting website i would suggest looking for something thats paid it dont have to be much you can find themes for as little as $5 for potential clients to trust you you need investment this is key in webhosting
  9. the main point im going to make here is to create a succesful website you need to invest in a top level domain it could be .com .co.uk .in etc but without this you wont get far with seo free subdomains wont create you a succesful website hope this helps
  10. lets be truthful here its hard to generate money on a website everyone can give you advice but its down to a few points 1. What unique content does your website have to offer or services if your selling services 2. What makes you different from the multiple websites already out there 3. Design of your website does your design reflect the main reason of your website These a few points that ive told people in the past to gain revenue you need active members / clients to gain members and clients you need unique content and something different from the rest its a slow game starting a website truth be told most new websites run at a loss for months before generating revenue but you need to keep ontop of it for people to begin to trust you and what you have to offer
  11. you can also submit directly to google for crawling while you wont get statistics it will get you listed on google http://www.google.co.uk/submit_content.html
  12. hello all im c0d3ma5ter Im a server administrator and network technician currently i also know a little bit about ipb and mybb so any help i can provide ill gladly help out Well keep it short and sweet see you around the forums
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