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sog snow

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  1. Go on skype, the last skin files you sent me didn't work. I kept getting an error so if you could get on skype and resend them that would be great

  2. I fixed it and I use a paid host. It was an hook that caused the error
  3. http://prntscr.com/2eho0e http://prntscr.com/2eho7h Those are the errors, anyone know how to fix them, I have no clue how
  4. I saw your topic in the marketplace sections and saw a couple of your vouches and now would like you to rip an IPB skin for me. I am not on this site a ton but I am on skype almost all the time. My skype name is "howardkid4" I can give you a visa gift card ($25) or I can pay through paypal if you'd like. I am posting this on your wall because your PM box must be full because I can't send you my message

  5. I have been a member on this site for a while now but never introduced myself so here it goes. My name is Noah, I have my own IP. Board forum, I am 16 years old, and I enjoy playing and watching sports (Football, baseball, and basketball)
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