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hermit101 last won the day on January 16 2015

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About hermit101

  • Birthday 07/19/1979

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  1. i've used both in the past ,each has their own perks etc.. it's all down to personal prefrence tbh , might be worth downloading a nulled copy of each and installing locally and see which you get on best with and enjoy using more,personally as much as i like xenforo i prefer ipboard over it
  2. Hi all , whats the best free alternative to Mandrill out there atm ? i was using it up until they started charging for it , recommendations would be appreciated :)
  3. seen this and the red theme converted to ipb quite a few times ,but i like what you have done with it thus far
  4. here you go http://pastebin.com/5ebdDXbG
  5. Hi does anyone know if there is a way to make certain groups post in a certain color via hook or code Kind Regards Hermit Solved thanks to Sanctuary ,posted solution in case anyone else was wanting this in the future
  6. nice work i was the one that originally released the wow version on ac-web and it done the rounds on other sites ,i paid skreamjza to do it for me some time ago i was gonna modify it and reupload the version without posting issues which was only a java conflict but ended up getting sidetracked by other things and forgot,really like what you have done with it though :)
  7. Inspired by Zafire's "Simple-Design" a new skin design for the server i'm working on atm. Better quality preview here ---> http://r70x.deviantart.com/art/Obsidian-new-535702725 Cata Version (still lots left to do to polish it up ie new logo and add more to nav bar etc..) Better quality preview here ---> http://r70x.deviantart.com/art/Obsidian-cata-535790983
  8. Ended up getting bored with this one ,only a basic design added to graphics downloads for all to you as they please
  9. ​ it's made that way purpously ,tbh it's aimed at a certain age group most under that will fail to understand the 80's feel and audiance it's aimed at etc..
  10. hermit101

    Kung Fury !

    Woke up and seen this ,worth watching is pure win !! lol Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=872&v=bS5P_LAqiVg Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=872&v=bS5P_LAqiVg There's a game of it on steam also lol
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Hi All , releasing this for free ,it's a basic PSD got bored of it and moved on to better designs ,hope some find it useful
  12. ty , i seem to have a thing for brown coloured designs atm lol ,wish i had more time to pratice tbh Updated thread with finished front page
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