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OpFor last won the day on March 27 2015

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  1. I tried it... I like it, except for the templates. They're clunky and difficult to customize, and I don't understand why they can't keep all the stylesheets in one stylesheet. 20 different stylesheets is stupid. Complete dealbreaker. Moved to MyBB, happier than ever after being on IPB for 3 years.
  2. Also, when looking for hosting, keep your options open. I went from using GoDaddy shared Linux hosting, to using a 512 MB KVM VPS. I can't even begin to tell you what a good decision it was (performance is soooooo much better), and how much less money I'll have to spend now. I can host my website, TeamSpeak server, MySQL databases for game server applications, etc. all on one platform, and for $5 a month. Not comfortable with Linux or Ubuntu? No problem. Google is your friend. I had previous experience with Linux before switching, but now I have learned a lot of the ins and outs of Ubuntu and Ubuntu Server, and it is great knowledge to have. It's also really awesome to have complete control over everything, and not have your host dictate things for you (for example, your PHP memory limit and the types of applications you can use on your server).
  3. OpFor

    MyBB or IPB?

    With MyBB, you're better off building your own theme. You can make a really sleek and professional looking forum with it, it's just you need to invest the time into theming it.
  4. It's just a very broken and lackluster platform. IPB and XF kill it in terms of features.
  5. There's something special about a custom theme. If you're satisfied with a pre-made one, cool, but I'm really not.
  6. Hi guys, I recently switched to the Vanilla forum platform from IP.Board and decided to try a bit of theming. I went for something simple and clean. For a Minecraft server, is this too simple? I feel like I should add more, but I can't put my finger on it.
  7. OpFor

    Ads in Skin?

    It's very likely that it was used and then exported and uploaded, or it's there intentionally as a skeleton framework for anyone who wishes to insert ads.
  8. WF is still much larger than some of the other copycat sites that "split" a while back, but it definitely has fallen apart a bit. I agree that a weekly newsletter/digest that has a rundown of announcements, new content, etc. would really encourage people to come back regularly.
  9. Increase the bottom margin on #branding in ipb_styles.css. Use CTRL + F and search for it, much faster. Also, really recommend that you change the font on the logo.... yuckkkkk.
  10. Why do you dislike it? It's much cleaner and brighter than the old UI, which was outdated-looking and dull.
  11. September, October-ish possibly.
  12. OpFor

    AMD vs Intel

    AMD processors have more cores, but the cores pack less of a punch per core than an i5. So basically, if you get the right i5 dual core or even single core, you can beat out a 6 core AMD processor. Having 6 cores helps in some applications, but again, they pack less of a punch per core than an i5, and many applications aren't built to take advantage of a 6 core CPU.
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