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DaSystem's Achievements
- Badges should be aimed as "Collectibles"
So your trying to get a VPS licence on a virtualized dedicated server via solusVM or something? Might of been better to just ask that.
That's kinda my point. You don't know if the sig is fine or not. Don't even know if the sig is for the same file on the server because there is no hash checking nor is there any checks for positive results when a result is submitted. "Yep thats the same IPB nulled file I swear on me mom!" Although everything I've submitted is safe so don't worry about me per say. But I am a good example.
I think the whole thing needs changing. Metadata needs to manually get updated (trust is that the uploader can get the images, description, links from store) Trust that the file they upload to VirusTotal is the same sig as the one upload ( I can easily falsify VT Results ) The download section is obtuse and only allows for a selection of specific things from specific places, if It was more generalized we can have more scripts. Better validation system all around
Version 1.0.0
Ultimate Ribbons Pack – Include 24 web ribbons elements 3 Colour Variations. Full Photoshop gradients easy color changes. Fonts: I have Used Arial. Key features: All items are in vector form and so fully editable. Shapes, colors, text can be easily adjusted to your needs. All layers are organized into groups. By the well-organized file and layer structure that is simple and allows editing of files quickly. Easy customization (Just replace text or Gradient Color Changes) Opens with Photoshop CS3 or higher. Attached Preview Screenshots. 3 Impressed Color colorful themes. Resolution 72px.- 1 review
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Layout Options Main Homepage with image slideshow Signup Form Full width Image Introduction Subscribe Generic Page Video Versions Main Homepage with image slideshow (Video) Signup Form (Video) Full width Image (Video) Introduction (Video) Subscribe (Video) Generic Page (Video) Variations Startup Product Accommodation Real Estate Event eBook Corporate Mobile Classy Form Capture Send details captured in the forms directly to your email address Fully integrated with MailChimp lists Files Included 5 Layout HTML pages 10 Different variations Layered PSD Included Documentation Credits PicJumb – ( Unsplash – ( jQuery Framework ( Simple Line Icons ( Videos used in demos not included -
Architect is the most powerful and easy to use site and html builder not only on codecanyon, but probably on the internet as well. It has all the features you would except from a site builder, while also offering exclusive ones like themes & templates, closely integrated code editors, the best visual css and image editor around and much more. The Features Text Editor- Double click on any text content to open a text editor where you can modify the text contents and apply and remove various styles to highlighted text. Advanced Drag & Drop – no more trying to drag predefined elements by small handles, click element wherever you want and drag it wherever you want. Documentation – In depth documentation included with architect will explain everything the builder is capable of as well as advanced stuff like adding your own custom elements. Context Menu – Right click on any element to bring out the context menu with a variety of general options like moving elements up and down with more precision when drag and drop allows and options for that specific element like adding rows and columns to a table. Fully Translatable – Everything from user interface to elements names is easily translatable via a user friendly translations file. Interface that makes sense – annoyed by all the modals, panels and buttons you need to wade through just to change a font size on other builder? you’re in luck, we’ve designed architect so all the most used functionality is visible along with your current project and accessible without having to open a single modal. Live CSS Editor – easily, visually and in real-time edit most of elements properties like padding, margin, border, shadows, backgrounds, text styles and more. Or enter css by hand via integrated css editor for maximum control of your project. Publish or Export your project – Download your whole project, publish it to a remote server with a single click or simply give users a share link to render page on architect itself, moving to production has never been this easy. Themes & Templates – no need to build everything from scratch use one of the pre-built templates to give your project structure and change it’s design with one of included themes. Manage & Edit Images – Forget photoshop, upload, edit and include your images directly in the architect, no external programs needed. Code Editors for Maximum control – have you ever been annoyed by this one thing you just couldn’t do with a drag and drop builder? No such problem with architect, drag and drop system is interconnected with code editors so you can modify html, css or javascript by hand and changes will be reflected in real time. Flexible Elements System – – use one of over 40 elements included with architect (and more to come in free future updates) or easily create your own custom elements for ultimate reusability. Preview – – easily preview how your project will look for users with a single click, no page reloads, no extra bars or wait time. Undo Manager – – made a mistake or want to step back to a previous iteration? No problem, use the integrated undo manager to undo and redo action in architect. User System – – Users can register to architect and create their own unlimited amount of projects, themes, templates and upload/edit images. Requirements PHP >= 5.4.0 MCrypt PHP Extension (Optional, but recommended) PDO Extension (enabled by default) php_fileinfo Extension (enabled by default) MySQL Database -
What is Ultimate Paid Referral System? Answer: It is the procedure to start your own earning website, as a side business or even multipurpose. This script will help you to earn money online and you can start your own MLM system. This script is totally based on MLM system. Time to time more features will be add on the basis of demand. Virus Total shows 1/56 but it doesn't tell me which file it is so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ find me a better scanner and I'll do u a receipt ktnxbai This script will allow to: 1. Register users on your website and you can pay signup bonus. 2. Users will get money on making referrals. You can set amount for per referral. 3. Users can enter into lucky draws. (Price, prize money and date of lucky draw could be set by you.) 4. They can give payment request through their account when they reached minimum payout level. (Level can set by you) Winners for lucky draws and amount crediting in users account can be done with one click only. User even can request password, if forgets. All E-Mail ads are registered will be genuine, as all the registrations would be email verified. What are the features of this script? Answer: 1. Login system with verified email ids. 2. Signup System 3. Forgot password recovery 4. Referral system 5. Admin panel 6. Lucky draws. 7. More Security 8. Fast support system 9. Users can earn money 10. Users can send payment request 11. Theme included (No need to design any theme) 12. Easy integration 13. Customized programing 14. Comments system for every code of line 15. Advertisements can be placed on any page, to earn maximum money 16. Profile pages included – Users can update their profiles easily 17. Users can see his/her down line And several more… Live Preview: Member URL : Username – demodemodemo password – 123456789 Admin URL : Username – demoadmindemo password – 123456789 -
Plugins for this script: All available plugins here Free Version of Minecraft Servers list on GitHub Ultimate Minecraft Servers List is a complex servers management system which allows users to track their own servers and visitors to find out great servers from all over the world. Our product is very flexible and, with a little imagination you can make your own unique servers list website.Check out all the features available in the following list and live on the demo below! Minecraft Servers List Demo Username: admin Password: admin User Features Dynamic banners: Each server will get an automatic banner with dynamic statistics Filters: Multiple types of filters so the users can find the perfect servers for them. Order by: Sort servers by: Online Players, Votes, Favorites or Latest Mini Blog System: Each server page has a mini blog system so that owners can announce important news to their users. Voting System + Votifier: Each user can vote a server once per day so that servers get a better ranking position and more exposure. Favorites System: A user can favorite a server and it will be stored in a page called “My Favorites” Comments System: Ajaxed comments system for each server with reCaptcha and live updating after submiting a comment. Server Description: You can add your own description with some predefined BBCodes for each server you add. Advanced Statistics: Live statistics for each server that has an engine and basic statistics with graphs User Profiles: Custom user profiles with custom Avatar, Cover, Social details and of course, their own servers. Video Presentations: If some servers have their own youtube presentation video, they can add that too. Server Banners: Each server have the option to add their own custom banner. Quick Servers Status: If you are logged in, you can find your own servers status in the sidebar. Server Hits: Check how many hits any server has got in the last 7 days displayed in a graph Responsive: Responsive and clean design thanks to bootstrap 3 Country Flags: Select your servers country so users from your region can find their countries best servers. Private Servers: If you dont want your server listed on the list or accessed by anyone Forgot Password & Resend Activation: and many more.. Admin Features Automatic Payment System: You can earn money on paypal by selling Highlighted / Sponsored slots on your servers list. Users Management: View, Edit, Activate / Disable, Delete Users Servers Management: View, Edit, Activate / Disable, Delete Servers, Make Private or Highlight servers Categories Management: View, Add, Edit, Delete Categories Categories with different game engines: Each category can have a different game engine Categories and Subcategories with Cover Image Advanced Reports System: Reports available for User profiles, Servers, Comments and Blog Posts Reports Management: View, Edit, Delete and Approve Reports Dynamic Titles: Each page has a dynamic title, with the option to change your websites name Restriction for Image Sizes Censor Words: Censoring system that apply on server comments, blog posts. Analytics Ready: Just enter your analytics tracking id and you’re ready to go Servers Cache System: Set in the admin panel after how many seconds a server should be checked again. Custom Servers Pagination Display only online servers option 3 Ready Adspots: Top, header and sidebar optional adspots reCaptcha: Setup your recaptcha directly from the admin panel Multi Language System: Easy 1 file translation Statistics: Great overall and monthly statistics Sitemap: Automatic generated sitemap that can be accessed with /sitemap.xml or /sitemap.php PHP 5.3 ( or higher ) MySQLi Sockets ( More details in the documentation or here ) Rewrite Engine (htaccess) GD and FreeType Library for the dynamic banners to work Recommended Cheap Host: LinkRecommended VPS: Link -
Premium URL Shortener is a PHP URL shortener script packed with many unique features. It has been built from scratch with performance in mind. Some of the features include geotargeting, premium membership, powerful dashboard and admin panel and a series of CMS tools to help you build your dream. Furthermore, it will keep getting better with each update! We have released a free jQuery plugin that shortens all URLs on a page. You can download it from our new customer portal Download it. A WordPress Plugin is also available. Live Demo of URL Shortener(v4.2) You can test the script using the following credentials. This is an admin and a user account. Once logged in, simply click “Admin” at the top to access the admin panel. Please note that the demo will reset each week. Free User Account Email/Username: [email protected] / user Password: userpass Admin Account Email/Username: [email protected] / admin Password: adminpass Main Page Login Page Sample Short URL with Frame Sample Short URL with Splash Sample Stat Page Custom Splash Custom Page Easy Localization Some Awesome Features Social-Friendly This script is now much more social-friendly. All pages have their own thumbnail, unique title, description and video embed code (Youtube only). Want to give it a try? Share this URL on Facebook and notice the thumbnail, title, description, video and the URL: jQuery Driven With Fallback The URL shortener script is built using the powerful javascript library jQuery. Awesome effects have been added to provide an amazing user-experience while some advanced techniques have been used to make your website spam-free. Script automatically uses fallback when javascript is disabled. New Splash Pages Script now automatically creates dedicated page for media URLs such as Youtube, Vine, Dailymotion, etc (View Demo). Users can now create a custom splash page and this can be a paid feature (View Demo). Private Service Are you looking to use this script for your own purpose? No problem. Just enable the private option in the admin panel and only you and all the accounts you only will create will be able to access the site and use the features. URL Bookmarking System with Bookmarklet URLs are automatically associated to registered users and are saved on their account for future access. Users can now drag a bookmarklet tool to their bookmarks bar and instantaneously shorten the URL of the site they are viewing. Anonymous User History (new) Anonymous users can now keep track of their last 10 URLs without being registered. This option can easily be enabled or disabled from the admin panel. Facebook Connect and Twitter Login User can now instantaneously login using their Facebook or Twitter account. Easy Translation You can easily translate this script to any language you want by using the built-in language manager. Create a new translation, edit old ones or even deleted them with a click of a button. Everything is now automated meaning that languages will be added to the menu right away. Geotargeting System Users can choose to redirect visitors to a different page using their location. This option can be disabled from the admin panel. Advanced API System Powerful API system requires users to authenticate using a unique API key associated to them upon registration. All URLs generated by a registered user get automatically saved on their account. The API system can output in JSON, JSONP (useful when requesting using javascript) or text format. URL Validation & reCaptcha Plugin Extensive validation and URL filtering-system gives you the peace of mind. Several options are built-in to automatically disable “inappropriate” URLs or domain names (including tlds) from being processed by the system. The script also comes reCaptcha and SolveMedia Captcha. If enabled, the Captcha system will only be shown to anonymous users (users not registered). Full-Featured Administration Panel Powerful administration panel gives you total control on your website. It gives you the ability to manage URLs, users and custom pages. You can also control all of the features from the admin panel by enabling or disabling them with a click of a button. You can control Advertisement, reCaptcha, Frame, API System, User Registration, URL Filtration, Themes and Maintenance and more. Responsive Template with built-in Template Editor You can easily edit the layout and the theme to fit your need with the new in-script editor. Templates have been tested on all modern browsers and mobile devices. Quick & Easy Installer Powerful, quick and easy installer sets up your website in a minute. You don’t need to go through the hassle of dumping SQL files and editing PHP files. It provides a step by step installation of this software. Extensive Documentation Extensive and thorough documentation helps you understand all aspects of your website. Free Support As a purchaser of my products, you are entitled to free support. If you have a question, I would be happy (really!) to answer it. Also if you need a quick hint, don’t hesitate to contact me. Please don’t forget to follow me and to rate this awesome script Requirements Mod Rewrite Enabled Mod Security <script> Filter Disabled Magic_Quotes OFF (Recommended) PHP 5.3.6 or higher and PDO Module- 1 review
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phpServersList is a complex servers management system which allows users to track their own servers and visitors to find out great servers from all over the world. Our product is very flexible and, with a little imagination you can make your own unique servers list website.For example: If you want to make a certain type of servers list ( lets say, Counter Strike ) then you can setup from the admin panel so that users can only add Counter Strike Servers; Or if you want to have diversity in your website you can make it a Toplist, where everyone can add any type of server to the list. Supports Multiple Game Engines Minecraft SA:MP – San Andreas Multiplayer Rust Counter-Strike 1.6 Condition-Zero Source Global Offensive The Ship Half-Life Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2 Rag Doll Kung Fu Team Fortress Team Fortress 2 Nuclear Dawn Call of Duty: MW 3 Just Cause 2: Multiplayer Mod Dino D-Day Half-Life 2 And it supports ANY kind of game for online / offline detection and many other games that work on source engine User Features Supports Multiple Games: It supports multiple game engines for live statistics so you have diversity on your servers list. Dynamic banners: Each server will get an automatic banner with dynamic statistics Filters: Multiple types of filters so the users can find the perfect servers for them. Order by: Sort servers by: Online Players, Votes, Favorites or Latest Mini Blog System: Each server page has a mini blog system so that owners can announce important news to their users. Voting System + Votifier: Each user can vote a server once per day so that servers get a better ranking position and more exposure. Favorites System: A user can favorite a server and it will be stored in a page called “My Favorites” Comments System: Ajaxed comments system for each server with reCaptcha and live updating after submiting a comment. Server Description: You can add your own description with some predefined BBCodes for each server you add. Advanced Statistics: Live statistics for each server that has an engine and basic statistics with graphs User Profiles: Custom user profiles with custom Avatar, Cover, Social details and of course, their own servers. Video Presentations: If some servers have their own youtube presentation video, they can add that too. Server Banners: Each server have the option to add their own custom banner. Quick Servers Status: If you are logged in, you can find your own servers status in the sidebar. Server Hits: Check how many hits any server has got in the last 7 days displayed in a graph Responsive: Responsive and clean design thanks to bootstrap 3 Country Flags: Select your servers country so users from your region can find their countries best servers. Private Servers: If you dont want your server listed on the list or accessed by anyone Forgot Password & Resend Activation: and many more.. Admin Features Automatic Payment System: You can earn money on paypal by selling Highlighted / Sponsored slots on your servers list. Users Management: View, Edit, Activate / Disable, Delete Users Servers Management: View, Edit, Activate / Disable, Delete Servers, Make Private or Highlight servers Categories Management: View, Add, Edit, Delete Categories Categories with different game engines: Each category can have a different game engine Categories and Subcategories with Cover Image Advanced Reports System: Reports available for User profiles, Servers, Comments and Blog Posts Reports Management: View, Edit, Delete and Approve Reports Dynamic Titles: Each page has a dynamic title, with the option to change your websites name Restriction for Image Sizes Censor Words: Censoring system that apply on server comments, blog posts. Analytics Ready: Just enter your analytics tracking id and you’re ready to go Servers Cache System: Set in the admin panel after how many seconds a server should be checked again. Custom Servers Pagination Display only online servers option 3 Ready Adspots: Top, header and sidebar optional adspots reCaptcha: Setup your recaptcha directly from the admin panel Multi Language System: Easy 1 file translation Statistics: Great overall and monthly statistics Sitemap: Automatic generated sitemap that can be accessed with /sitemap.xml or /sitemap.php PHP 5.3 ( or higher ) MySQLi Sockets Rewrite Engine (htaccess) GD and FreeType Library for the dynamic banners to work Recommended Cheap Host: LinkRecommended VPS: Link -
ReadyChat readyChat is a chat product from DesignSkate. Greatly improving upon our previous product “moChat”. readyChat is more optimized, smoother and enjoyable for both the administrator and the user. Features Simple administration panel which is effortless to use! Moderate your chat room fully with the ability to warn, kick & ban users. Plenty of documentation explaining the administration features. Fast, effortless installer with a handy “Getting Started” guide included. Allow your users to create a profile, or disable profiles entirely. Create multiple rooms on your chat room! You can set an icon and a topic for each individual room. Automatically kick inactive users. Ban I.P addresses from your website with a few clicks! Allow your moderators to enter full rooms (Yes! You can define room limits!) Allow your users to insert smilies, new smilies can be added simply by adding them to the folder! Convert text to a hyperlink automatically, or disable this feature entirely! Users will see their messages as pending, creating an ultra fast feeling chat system! Users can disable auto-scrolling to see the earliest messages. Keep your users entertained by adding flash games to your chat room! Profiles can now be embedded in the chat window. Disable registration completely and allow logins only! Allow guests to chat on your website! Password protect your chat rooms. Chat privately with your friends! Sound Notifications Customize user rank colours Fast chat system All future updates for readyChat will be free to customers! readyChat Updates Update 2.2.0 – 13th January 2015 Update 2.1.0 – 29th October 2014 Update 2.0.0 – 27th October 2014 Update 1.3.0 – 15th November 2013 Update 1.2.0 – 17th October 2013 Update 1.1.0 – 13th October 2013 Your feedback and satisfaction is important to us. We will respond to all questions and queries within 2 days, though usually a lot faster! Feature suggestions will be considered for future versions of readyChat. Requirements readyChat requires PHP 5.3 minimum readyChat requires 1 MySQL database (uses the MySQLi extension) Product requires around 2mb of disk space -
PHP Watch Movies Script enables you to run your own fully featured Movies & TV Shows listing website. More Features Overview Carousel with featured movies & tv shows Admin panel let’s you pick the most wanted Movies & TV Shows to be shown in a nice slider/carousel on the website header. You can chose an unlimited number to slide. AJAX Star Rating System For each movie & tv show users can rate from 1 up to 5 stars depending on their opinion about the movie AJAX External Link Rating Each movie & tv show will have external links for watching/buying. There’s a built in system for the users to rate as “Works” or “Broken” so others know if they want to visit or not. Members Playlist Registered members can build up their own movies & tv shows playlist so others can inspire when looking for a good item to look at Commenting system Registered members can comment (if logged in) on each movie/tv-show page Link suggestion People can suggest external links for the admin approval if they want to share their tip. Movie/TV Shows Search & Filtering Movies & TV Shows can be searched by title, genre, actor name or keywords Twitter Bootstrap & CodeIgniter powered The script was build with beauty & security in mind, hence the great Twitter Bootstrap & CodeIgniter PHP MVC framework are used in the backend Admin Panel PHP Watch Movies comes with full control on your hands! Manage movies & tv shows list (automatically fetch movie/tv show informations when possible) Approve/Add/Remove & Update movie & tv shows external links. Organize into tabs (useful for tv shows series) Manage Comments Manage Movie&Tv Shows Genres Update website Terms of Service Inject AD code for movie/tv show page (appears before watch links) -
Create your own Game Tracker / Live Game Servers List with a powerful and complex system that live queries valve & san andreas muliplayer servers and displays real-time info about the server, like map, players online, list with the online players and more…Documentation is available after purchasing. Clean and attractive design built with bootstrap Intelligent cache system that improves performance Filter the servers by the game Search system Quick admin tools to manage the servers directly from the index Each server gets a dynamic banner with live stats of the server Comments system Votes so they can decide what server is the best Adsense ready with 2 ad spots (top and bottom) and more… Games that can be queried San Andreas Multiplayer Team Fortress Team Fortress 2 Counter Strike 1.6 Counter Strike Source Counter Strike CZero Counter Strike GO Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2 Garry’s Mod Some RUST servers ....basically every game that runs with source engine PHP SOCKETS ENABLED for valve ports (27015, 27016…etc) GD Library and » FreeType library Recommended Cheap Host: LinkRecommended VPS: Link Update 1.1