search nav_app_forums in globaltemplate
then add a code below, or above depending on where in the navigation you want to place it but it should look like this
<li id="nav_app_forums" class=" "><a href="" title="Go to Forums">Forums</a></li>
but change the link and the "go to forums" & "Forums"
Alternativly, if you don't want to keep adding buttons by coding, and make your life a lot easier, if you have IP.Content installed use the Navigation Menu editor which allows you to add buttons, drop down menu's etc..
If you don't have IP.Content, you can download ProMenu from the link below.
This hook is an extremely good hook to modify your navigation menu as you can customize it to the max adding really good features to your nav. Have a look through the pictures on the link above, download it and install it!
By all means you may continue to add your buttons 'The Traditional way' if you prefer, just opening your options to other hooks that might be useful.
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If you have other questions, please open a new topic.