hey guys, i am looking for someone to create a fortnite header banner for my phpbb3 forums.
I current am using the style "H2O - Action / Gaming Responsive phpBB 3.3 Theme"
Color Scheme - something that matches the black background i guess or surprise me
Font type (DaFont.com) -no text
Images - would like something like this https://cdn140.picsart.com/294268764075201.jpg?type=webp&to=min&r=640
Community type (gaming/design/fansite)- gaming
Logo size - not really sure of the size that would fit nicely with the style i mentioned above, sorry
Text desired - none
Example logo- heres an example https://cdn140.picsart.com/294268764075201.jpg?type=webp&to=min&r=640
Slogan (if applicable) -none
Animation (if applicable) -none