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damo last won the day on March 3 2015

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About damo

  • Birthday 04/20/1995

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  1. I had a similar issue, to which i had to fix by changing the Upload path, to do this in the end I took a backup of my site and databases, opened up the database in phpmyadmin and found in the database table core_file_storage the string which use to be in the conf global file before they introduced filestorage systems, i modified it to look like this: {"dir":"{root}\/uploads","url":"/uploads"} from {"dir":"{root}\/uploads","url":"mydomain.com/uploads"} and then had to delete the storageConfigration file inside the datastore folder and reload the site. It worked for me, worth a try but i would highly recommend a backup before proceeding. Hope this helps, let me know the outcome :)
  2. If I remember correctly this is the setting your looking for: The Display on? section Hope this helps
  3. Version 1.4.2 (Build 2)


    [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']Shoutbox is a feature-rich Shoutbox system for your IP.Board. Shoutbox will enable your users to send shouts to each other and allow others can read them. Your very own micro-blogging system, without the need for Java, Flash or any other browser dependency![/font][/color] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue'] [/font][/color] [b]Compatibility: [/b] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue'] [/font][/color] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']IP.Board 3.4.x - Yes[/font][/color] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']IP.Board 3.3.x - Yes[/font][/color] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue'] [/font][/color] [b]Support:[/b] [url="http://invisionfocus.com/support/"]http://invisionfocus.com/support/[/url] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue'] [/font][/color] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']Please note: Will need be signup for any support and all update files will be posted here at IPS and Invision Focus.[/font][/color]
  4. Thanks for the awesome resources Did not know about these sites.
  5. Yeah Sure, My Skype is LoGDamo. Although I can only text chat, As mic busted xP
  6. This is what's called a forum redirect as you can see here: You have the ability to create a forum, but when clicked it redirects to another website or URL, In this case it just redirects to: http://webflake.sx/files/category/39-ipboard/ Which is the downloads section of the website, By default it will look like this: But with a bit of styling using CSS you can make it look like the above, it all depends on the skin your using to how it looks. Regards.
  7. I've installed this skin and checked, It is definitely in there, This was a brand new installation with just this single skin installed, When modified it gave the desired output above, The CSS for this is pulled via a Iframe as you can see in the Tree here: If you like I can show you, Drop me a PM if you wish.
  8. Inside Linux I just Cron a sh script to do the following: mysqldump -u root -prootpassword --all-databases > /backup/ The script i use it a little bit more complex then that because it generates dates and times too so I know when, But then from there I just use sshfs to move across to the NAS we have for safe storage. If you're interested in the script let me know and ill post it up
  9. Inside your /home/www/public/style_images/esmona/ Folder there is a file called ust.css inside this file you will find the relevent things you need to modify, For example: body { /* Font */ font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; /* Text color */ color: #bcbcbc; /* Remove the background color to make it transparent */ background-color: #1a1a1a; } To: body { /* Font */ font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; /* Text color */ color: #000; /* Remove the background color to make it transparent */ background-color: #fff; } you can download the whole file here Which will give the following:
  10. Version 1.4


    [b]Features: [/b] - online status - slideshow - custome background - theme options - changable logo - social links - Schreikasten shoutbox supported Some basic tutorials... [b]How to add login widget?[/b] install this widget [url="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/custom-wp-login-widget/"]http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/custom-wp-login-widget/[/url] [b]How to add server?[/b] in wordpress administration click on Minecraft Options General options And put your address in to the input "Ip address"
  11. OpFor

    I'm so jealous of your internet speed :|

    1. damo


      The amount of times i've heard this :')

  12. Username: damo First Name: Damien Age: 19 Rate your English out of 10: 8 Additional languages spoken: Java/C#? oh you mean Real languages, Just a little spanish Software specialization: IPB/Wordpress IPB skills: 8/10 XenForo skills: 5/10 vBulletin skills: 5/10 WordPress skills: 8/10 HTML / CSS skills: 8/10 Other qualifications: Java, PHP, C#, VB What can you bring to the team? I love Webdesign and building, I am a avid programer has a a good knowledge self taught in most languages. Along side that I love to help people, although I don't have alot of time on my hands due to a full time Tech support job, I try my best to be around as much as possible.
  13. ACP -> Look & Feel -> Edit your Theme -> Select CSS -> Edit IPB_ckeeditor.css Find .cke_top { background: #efefef url('{style_images_url}/editor/toolbar_bg.png') repeat-x !important; } Edit and replace #efefef with your colour and the toolbar_bg edit inside PS to change the color. If you require help with this please feel free to PM me and i'll do it for you.
  14. I wouldent allow me to, It would just take me to the upgrade page, Rather then doing a install on it and is still doing, thats what was thinking, When upgrading now though im getting errors in relation to Droping columns on the tables -_- Think i've make a right mess of this
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